Dominic de
Guzman: Joyful Friar
Dominic de Guzman (1170 -1221) founded the
Order of Preachers, or Dominicans, at
the beginning of the 13th century the world
he knew was in turmoil. Europe's agrarian population
was shifting to urban centers, creating waves
of change that affected all of life, including
econmoic and social relations, poititics and
religion. Universities established in these
new urban centers were attractiving the interest
of the new generation and the attention of
Dominic as well.
The passion of Dominic's life became the centerpiece
of his way of life -- to
preach the gospel wherever its good news needed to be heard. He created the
vision of an itinerant Order that would go wherever people needed
to hear the good news. He also believed that for this preaching
to be authentic the preachers needed the support of a communal
life where they could pursue constant prayer and a mendicant
life, begging for the needs of the community and for the
words needed for preaching. Dominic believed this gathering itself
would be a holy preaching. In every generation since then others
have followed this same path and it is in this sense that Dominic's
charism is a living tradition.
According to the tradition that has been passed
on from those who knew Dominic, he was a joyful friar. Wherever
he went, he conveyed an enthusiasm for the gospel. People found
this inviting because it offered them hope. Dominic shared his
intense desire to know God more deeply, and his own devotion
to prayer and study gave witness to this.
Source: excerpt from Dominic's charism, Dominican
Foundations series.

A charism is a gift of God's Spirit
given to some for the sake of others.