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Who Are the Dominican Nuns?

The Dominican Nuns in the United States describe themselves in this way:

We are an association, composed of autonomous, cloistered, contemplative Dominican monasteries based within the U.S.A. and bonded together through the universal Book of Constitutions of the Nuns of the Order of Preachers.

The nuns seek God by observing the norms of the purely contemplative life, by maintaining their withdrawal from the world by enclosure and silence, by working diligently, studying the truth eagerly, searching the Scriptures with ardent heart, praying intently, willingly practicing penance, pursuing communion through their manner of government, in purity of conscience and the joy of sisterly concord, "in freedom of spirit."

It is God who now makes them dwell together in unity and on the last day will gather into the Holy City a people acquired as his own. In the midst of the Church their growth in charity is mysteriously fruitful for the growth of the people of God. By their hidden life they proclaim prophetically that in Christ alone is true happiness to be found, here by grace and afterwards in glory.

(Source: Constitutions of the Nuns)

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