The Preaching
A passion for God and a
conviction that god's love was meant for all
characterized the preaching of Dominic deGuzman,
founder of the Dominicans. Although dominic
neither founded a school of rhetoric nor wrote
a treatise on preaching, he did send his young
followers out to preach, just as Jesus had
sent his disciples. the circumstances of dominic;'s
historical time were different from ours, and
yet in some ways they are remarkably similar
to ours.
Dominican theologian, Mary
Catherine Hilkert, OP, observes: Most
of the people in our world who hunger for
the good news of salvation or liberation
are not to be found in ou churches. if preaching
is a matter of making connections, enabling
people to hear the gospel as good news for
them, then the gospel and its preachers have
to meet people where they are.
This is the task
of every preaching project today: to create
ways for people to encounter the gospel message
wherever they are, so that it can help them
shape lives that have personal and social integrity.
Preaching is a gift. It
proclaims the story and memory, the presence and grace
of the Living Word. It is also a sign of God's ongoing
presence. Every Dominican preaches, whether
from the pulpit, in the classroom, on the street, at the
office, in relationships.
The arts have always been a way
to express, interpret and enter into the mystery
of God. Through the use of language, color,
material, music and movement, artists of all
kinds create woks in every medium imaginable.
Their creations capture the imagination and
have the power to evoke insight, conversion
and faith.
MORE about Dominican Spirituality and Tradition
in an excellent series: Dominican

Preaching calls one to live at the heart of mystery.
Ed Ruane, OP