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September 11, 2009

September 21st
International Day of Prayer for Peace

SANTA SABINA Once again, the Dominican Order will participate in the annual International Day of Prayer for Peace on September 21st. . A project of the United Nations, the day offers people of every faith tradition an opportunity to pause and pray for peace. As we prepare to pray for peace on the International Day of Prayer September 21st, we recall the horror of September 11, 2001 and honor those who died. READ MORE

Dominican Institute for Student Ministry (DISM)

Student Campus Ministers Meet To Enhance
Their Call to Service

DIAMOAKLAND, CA -- Ten years ago, Dominican Campus Ministers from the Western Province discussed the possibility of having an institute for all the students that minister on the various Newman Centers sponsored by the province. The Ninth Institute was just held at St. Albert Priory. READ MORE

Nuns' Build 2009
Ten Dominican Congregations Join Building Project
in New Orleans

nuns buildST. BERNARD PARISH, LA -- September 11, 2009 --Sisters from ten Dominican congregations will be installing drywall, plastering, painting and engaged in other labors of love, in one of the most devastated areas of New Orleans, St. Bernard Parish. READ MORE

New Vocations Among Ocean Pacific Dominicans

September 11, 2009 -- In somewhat unrelated ways, but still very much connected, three Dominican congregations on the west coast recently celebrated new vocations. Dominican sisters in Tacoma, San Rafael and Mission San Jose are all welcoming new members. READ MORE

Racine Dominicans Launch Local Radio

radioRACINE WI, On Sunday, September 13, Racine Dominican Sister Lois Aceto will host the first monthly segment of “Lighting the World with Truth.” At 7:00 a.m. on the second Sunday of each month, listeners in Racine and Kenosha may tune in to 1400 am for the half-hour program on WRJN radio. READ MORE

OstrichesNEW BOOK:
Ostriches, Dung Beetles and Other
Spiritual Masters

Maryknoll Sr. Janice McLaughlin has just published a book of insightful stories of human virtues as exemplified by African wildlife--from an ostrich to a dung beetle to a baobab tree. Janice spent over 35 years in Africa. READ MORE

Racine Dominicans Work to Stop Human Trafficking

RACINE, WI -- The Racine Dominican Sisters and Associates have declared a corporate stance, decrying the injustice of human trafficking. “People are enslaved all over our country,” S. Sharon Simon, president of the community, said. “Among the most insidious evils of our time is that of exploiting women, men and children through forced prostitution and slave labor.”

NEW Documentary
Interrupted Lives: Catholic Sisters Under European Communism

Some were nurses. Many were educators. Still others cared for orphans, the elderly, the mentally ill. But all were women religious enduring the communist regime in Eastern Europe after World War II. Their story is told in Interrupted Lives: Catholic Sisters Under European Communism which will air on ABC-TV stations and affiliates beginning September 13th. You can check your local listings here.

DarfurNEW FILM: Darfur: Raging Genocide Continues. Dominican friar Armando Ibanez, OP (St. Martin) offers a chilling film of the continuing death in Darfur and looks for answers to the destruction that will not end. Watch a YOUTUBE video. HERE

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Recent materials related to the Apostolic Visitation
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Read the Dominican Institute for the Arts latest Newsletter.