Dominican Institute for Student Ministry (DISM)
Student Campus Ministers Meet To Enhance Their Call to Service
OAKLAND, CA -- Ten years ago, Dominican Campus Ministers from the Western Province discussed the possibility of having an institute for all the students that minister on the various Newman Centers sponsored by the province.
The Ninth Institute took place at St. Albert’s Priory from July 30 to August 2. 68 campus ministers and students attended. Students from the Newman Centers of the University of Nevada Las Vegas, Arizona State University, University of Arizona, University of California, Riverside, Stanford University, University of Utah, University of Oregon, and University of Washington attended the workshops.
On the first evening, the campus ministers shared their stories about their own experience of campus ministry. Fr. Fred Lucci, OP from Arizona State University, Tempe lead the first session on the Baptismal Call. He reminded the students that their call to ministry comes from their baptism. He encouraged them to use their gifts that they have in order to build up the kingdom of God on campus.
Fr. Albert Felice-Pace, OP from the University of Nevada Las Vegas addressed the US Bishops’ Pastoral letter on Campus Ministry, Empowered by the Spirit: Campus Ministry Faces the Future. After giving a brief history of the Newman Movement in the United States, he led the students to reflect on the six aspects of campus ministry as outlined in the letter. The students were divided into groups to discuss how they responded to these aspects and what they would like to implement on their campus throughout this academic year.
Other general sessions included: The Spirituality of Ministry by Fr. Nathan Castle, OP from Stanford University, CA and Leadership in Ministry by Fr. Patrick La Belle, OP , Director of Vallambrosa Retreat Center in Menlo Park, CA. Fr. Michael Sweeney, OP President of the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, Berkeley, CA addressed Called and Gifted/ Spiritual Gifts Inventory. He helped the students to identify their own gifts and how to use them in ministry.
During the weekend various workshops were given such as Forming a Christian Conscience, Prayer, Evangelization through Relationship, Approachable Ministry, The Hook up Culture and Social Justice.
At the end of the Institute each campus group got together in order to share with each other how to take what they learned home. Many of the students appreciated this time together.
We started the day either with morning prayer or with the celebration of the Eucharist lead by different campus ministers. At the end of the Institute, Fr. Daniel Rolland, OP, Pastor of the University of Oregon, Eugene presided at the commissioning liturgy. At the end of the Mass all the campus ministers blessed each student as they went around laying hands and praying over each student minister. One student commented that, “I loved the commissioning ceremony…the part where the campus ministers and priests came around and laid hands on our heads. I felt so empowered by the Holy Spirit during that time.”
All the participants felt that DISM was quite a fun and educational experience. There was clear balance between leisure time and interactive, sharing time. One student said that, “I think the most important thing I got from DISM was the experience of meeting other student ministers and exchanging ideas with them. It was amazing and wonderful.”
by Fr. Albert Felice-Pace, OP
University of Nevada, Las Vegas. |