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posted on April 23, 2007

New Reports of Violence in Iraqnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Explosions in Mosul Reach Dominican Friars

MOSUL, IRAQ – May 7, 2007--- Last week, we reported that three sisters and several others were injured after a car bomb attack next to the Dominican convent and kindergarten in Telskouf. Several others including two children were killed. More violence has come to our Family in Iraq.

Early last week, several violent fights took place near where the Dominican friars reside here. An armed group attacked the police station about three km away from the friars’ house. A series of explosions erupted on the street where the friars live, a police car was torched, rockets and small arms fire exploded. No one was reported injured among the Dominicans, but they believe some of their neighbors were killed.

The battle reportedly lasted over two hours.  Sources indicate that the attack was made on the police in Mosul in an effort to give control of the city to the Mujahideens. But the police prevailed and continue to control the city. Some of the chapel windows were damaged and a large mural, a mosaic of Dominicans, was badly damaged by bullets and explosions.

Four friars lilve in the house. They were badly shaken but were unharmed.  Please continue your prayers and advocacy for peace.
Anne Lythgoe, OP, editor

There's only a revolution if you show up
Dominicans Mark Earth Day

April 22, 2007-- This year marks the 37th anniversary of a day that changed the way people understand their home planet. Earth Day has become an international time of focus on issues that threaten our survival and the survival of our home planet. Dominicans in the US have strong commitments to this effort. Here is a summary of just some of the activities that took place. READ MORE

Dominican Alliance: All Justice is Eco-justice
New Programs Promote Understanding of Water and Food Issues

April 23, 2007--- As the nation marks Earth Day and long before Al Gore’s academy award winning documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, the care of creation has been  the framework on which Dominicans do the work of justice as expressed in the document; Dominican Call to Justice.  Using this perspective, issues of peace and justice in the world are matters that affect planet Earth itself. Thus all work for justice is really a matter for eco-justice. READ MORE

We Have Family in the Solomon Islands

Dominicans on Solomon Islands Begin to Assess Damage
and Recovery


GIZO, SI - April 23, 2007--In spite of widespread devastation and destruction from a tsunami that hit the western Solomon Islands April 2nd, the people of Gizo came together to celebrate Easter Sunday. Over 50 people are reported dead, and recovery is slow.

Asked what he told the people on that morning, Bishop Bernard O’Grady of the Gizo diocese said that he opened the Mass sharing a reading from Hosea, “In their affliction, they shall look for me: Come, let us return to the Lord. For it is he who has rent, but he will heal us; he has struck us, but he will bind our wounds. He will revive us after two days; on the third day he will raise us up, to live in his presence.

UN Representatives Deplore the Humanitarian Crisis of Iraqi Refugees and Displaced Persons

Philippe LeBlancGENEVA, April 23, 2007-- During an International Conference on the refugee crisis in Iraq, called for by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees on held on April 17-18th, Dominicans for Justice and Peace and the Dominican Leadership Conference called for immediate and strong humanitarian action on the part of the international community and the United Nations refugee services to avert a greater humanitarian crisis that will have worldwide consequences. READ MORE

Great Bend Dominicans Offer
800th Anniversary Prayer Series

GREAT BEND, KS - April 26, 2007 -- The Fifteen Tuesdays of St. Dominic is an 800th Anniversary prayer booklet offered by the Dominicans of Great Bend. (PDF format) The series booklet begins May 1 and can be downloaded from their website (lower left column). Link Here.

Dominican Sisters of Amityville Motherhouse Complex
Added to NY State Register of Historic Sites

Amityville MotherhouseAMITYVILLE, NY April 9, 2007 – As part of a larger vision to foster the continuation of mission and be attentive to sustainability, the Motherhouse complex of the Dominican Sisters of Amityville has been listed on the New York State Register of Historic Places. The Motherhouse Complex includes five buildings and two sites – the 130 year old Rosary Hall building, the root cellar or potato house, Seraphina Cottage, the boiler house, St. Dominic's Chapel, the grotto area and the cemetery. READ MORE

Grand Rapids Dominicans Offer New Statement on Disarmament and Creation

Grand Rapids, MI - April 23, 2007--- Internationally recognized peace activists, Carol Gilbert, OP, Jackie Hudson, OP and Ardeth Platt, OP, offer disturbing information on US military plans for the future and a reflection on disarmament and creation in a recent statement. READ MORE

Sparkill Dominican Honored in St. Louis

ST. LOUIS, MO. -April 23, 2007-- Sister Paulette Patritti, O.P. received the prestigious Clare of Assisi, Spiritual Guide Award from the Archdiocese of Saint Louis Human Rights Office.  Her award is given to the person who “has strong faith that has been learned through the days and years of opening her heart and hands to God.  She guides others in prayer and accompanies others along their faith journeys.”   READ MORE

New Books: Dominican Authors' Recent Work

Dominic readingA number of new books have come to our attention, recently published by Dominican authors: a new book by Carol Dempsey,OP, a tribute to Benedict Ashley, from Aquinas Institute's faculty. The essays offer reflections on biblical studies, Catholic spirituality, Dominican history, liturgical studies, and inter-religious dialogue. A book on the Cabra Dominicans in New Orleans and Henri-Dominique Lacordaire. Check out the book section and we will continue to add more titles. MORE.

North Country Mission of Hope
Dominican Sister brings images, stories of
Nicaragua’s suffering to local students

SARASOTA FL — Aprile 23, 2007--Pictures of skinny Nicaraguan children, their bellies bloated with parasites, standing barefoot in the red dirt and with little to no clothing, were projected on the whiteboard in the Incarnation School classroom. The students stared at the children in the pictures, not so different from themselves, as Debbie Blow, OP, Dominican Sister of Hope, asked them what it was they had done to be born here in America into this lifestyle. READ MORE

Our prayers and support go out to the university community of Virginia Tech after their devastating loss.


High School Preachers
The High School Preaching Conference
website comes to Visit their new pages.

Read the latest newsletter from the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate. (PDF)

Cluster Chapters are almost complete. Please continue your prayers for the Dominicans of the
Eucharistic Missionaries 
April 24-26th and St. Mary
April 28-29th
Prayer here.

Seven cluster associates groups gather in prayer support for Special Chapters MORE

Film Review
Into Great Silence

Into Great Silence In 1984, German film-maker Philip Gröning wrote to the Carthusian order for permission to make a documentary about them. They said they would get back to him. Sixteen years later, they were ready. Read a review by guest criiic Dominic DeLay, OP. READ MORE

Film Review
The Namesake

NamesakeTom Condon weighs in with his latest review of a film about family, culture, fitting in and finding your way. READ MORE

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