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There's only a revolution if you show up
Dominicans Mark Earth Day

April 22, 2007-- This year marks the 37th anniversary of a day that changed the way people understand their home planet.One of the Earth Day founders, Gaylord Nelson, believed strongly that education is the key to changing people's attitudes about the environment and he devoted much of his energy to that challenge.

Earth Day has become an international time of focus on issues that threaten our survival and the survival of our home planet. Dominicans int he US have strong commitments to this effort. Here is a summary of just some of the activites that took place.

Houston Dominicans and friends celebrated Earth Day on Sunday, April 22 at St. Dominic Villa.   This is the culmination of a year-long  small group study of the workbook, An Amazing Journey: The Universe and Me, (Global Education Assoc, St. Paul, MN) .  Around 50 people are expected to attend.  

Adrian Dominican Sisters – will use April 22 as the climax of a series of programs that have been held since February 28th, as their Earth Season. Eileen Gannon, OP, (Sparkhil)l the Dominican NGO representative to the United Nations, spoke on the significance of the Earth Charter. The Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental principles for building a just, sustainable and peaceful global society in the 21st century. Sister Mary Kay Homan, OP, provided a brief summary of the Adrian Dominican Congregation’s endorsement of the Earth Charter in September 2003, while Sister Peg Albert, OP, President of Siena Heights University, and Deborah Keller, Principal of St. Joseph Academy, publicly endorsed their institutions’ support of the Earth Charter. In addition, hands-on, Earth-centered activities took place at St. Joseph Academy and Siena Heights University.

Dominican Sisters of Hope and Mariandale Retreat Center have been involved in the Garrison Institute. Representation from both have signed on to Our Shared Nature ~ A Transformational Ecology Compact for the Hudson ~ Earth Day 2007

Nancy Erts,OP (Hope) is also on the steering committee for "Earth Day World Cafe: What Hudson River Valley Religious Leaders Can Do to Respond to Global Warming and the Climate Crisis." On Saturday, April 21, the eve of Earth Day,  there was a gathering at the Garrison Institute for deep listening, networking, and sharing best practices on greening communities and promoting sustainability. 

The Hudson River Project is a project of the Garrison Institute's Initiative on Transformational Ecology. Over the last three years, it has developed a network of diverse congregations and community groups working to articulate and implement shared spiritual and ecological values and is helping catalyze the greening of houses of worship and wider communities throughout the Hudson bioregion.

The Caldwell Dominicans sent out a newsletter of suggestions for good earth friendly practices like not using bottled water, replacing light bulbs. The group lends DVD educational matterial on global warming suitable for grades 7-12 and adults called Too Hot Not to Handle and a program for middel grade students called Lighting the Way.


How Did Earth Day Come About?

New Programs Available on Land and Water

The Earth Charter: values and principles for a sustainable future

the Nature Conservancy

50 Green Tips for Earth Day and Beyond

Planet Earth, an
11-part miniseries on the Discovery Channel

Carbon Footprint

Carbon footprint is a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of green house gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide. It gives you an idea of how much just being in your daily life impacts the earth.
(Learn MORE)

To schedule a screening of Al Gore’s movie An Inconvenient Truth, contact GreenFaith at
732-565-1740 or


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