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posted on March 12, 2007

Dominican Sisters of Amityville Elect New Leaders

The Dominican Sisters of Amityville, NY are happy to announce the results of their discernment and election of new leadership, which took place Saturday, March 10th.

Prioress, Mary Hughes, OP; Assistant  Prioress, Elaine Jahrsdoefer; OP Councillor for Stewardship, Theresa Gallagher, OP; Health & Retirement, Elizabeth McGarvey, OP; Common Life, Judith Golden, OP; Ministry/Study, Alice Byrnes, OP. We all extend our congratulations and continued prayers for our sisters.

What does the grace of preaching mean today?

International Preaching Commission Calls on
Dominican Family to Reflect Together on Mission

SANTA SABINA, ROME - March 12, 2007-- "What does the grace of preaching mean today? How do we bring about the renewal of preaching in the entire Order as essential to our common vocation? Within that context, how can we open and widen institutional authorization to preach?" These are the questions that Master of the Order, fr. Carlos Azpiro Costa, OP is asking of us. The newly created International Preaching Commission of the Order is charged with engaging the Order in that conversation.

Dominican Volunteers USA Call for Participation

Dominican VolunteersRIVER FOREST, IL March 12, 2007-- Dominican Volunteers, USA (DVUSA) is calling for new participation by congregations and provinces in site placement for the next group of volunteers. Domincan Volunteers are drawn to the Dominican Volunteer program because of its unique sharing of the Dominican charism in both ministry and community.

Adrian Dominican Sisters Plan Series of Events
in Celebration of Earth Season

ADRIAN, MI March 12, 2007-- From Rachel Carson, to the Earth Charter the Adrian Dominican Sisters, Siena Heights University and St. Joseph Academy will be celebrating Earth Season during March and April with a series of events, including a play, book signing, workshop and major speaker, that will culminate with Earth Day on April 22.

Voices of the Americas
St. Martin Province Establishes Mission in Ecuador

GUAYAQUIL, ECUADOR, March 12, 2007-- Chris Eggleton, OP of St. Martin Province is part of the mission recently established by the province in Guayaquil, Ecuador. His first installmentof Mission Notes begins with this update of Read about Chris's introduction to parish life at St. Vincent Ferrer Parish, his encounter with a sea of grillos (crickets) Galapagos turtles, and his first impressions of the people of the city. READ MORE

US Religious Delegation Visits Iran-- Hope for Peace in the Region Rooted in Dialogue

Iran Delegation
WASHINGTON, DC. As the US government contemplates the possibility of a regional dialogue in the Middle East, religious leaders, under the leadership of the World Council of Churches, released a statement about their recent visit to Iran. Their hope for peace is rooted in the possibility of new dialogue. READ MORE

New Books:
The Road to Vatican II: Key Changes in Theology

Maureen Sullivan
During her graduate studies at Fordham University, Maureen Sullivan, OP, (Hope) became very interested in the Second Vatican Council and, since that time, Vatican II has been the centerpiece of her theological research. Her latest book, just released by Paulist Press looks at the theological changes that resulted from Vatican II. READ MORE

Unmasking Apocalyptic Texts: A Guide to Preaching and Teaching

The term apocalypse—whether apocalyptic texts, homiletics or events—conjures up an image of dread, dealing as it does with end times and God's final judgment. Not so here. Dorothy Jonaitis offers some interesting and creative approaches in a very practical and stimulating way. A much needed and valuable resource for preachers and teachers. READ MORE

faith and film
New films offer Dominicans interesting resources from when they can preach. Some are better resources than others, but they always spark discussion, one way or the other.
Amazing Grace
Last King of Scotland and Notes on a Scandal get an evaluation by film critic, Tom Condon, OP (St. Martin) and he has some good comments about all of them. READ MORE

Justice Alert
newRead the latest UN Briefings MORE

Special: Weekly Lenten Prayers for Iraq
We invite you to use these prayers each week for peace in Iraq. Prepared for the Iraq Coordinating Committee by Rene Weeks, OP (Great Bend) and Ann Marie Rimmer, OP (Caldwell) READ MORE

Dominican Cluster Congregations Prepare for Decisive Chapters on Reconfiguration

March 12, 2007-
Please continue to remember in your prayers....
Seven Dominican congregations will decide in the next few months whether or not to form a new Dominican entity. The decision process has been in process for several years. Domini-cans around the US are asked to join them in prayer. MORE

Lay Dominicans Gather for International Meeting
March 17-24, in Buenas Aires. Please keep everyone in your prayers. More info on their website.

Victory for Human Rights
The Supreme Court of Canada voted unanimously to strike down a Canadian law that the government used to detain foreign-born suspects indefinitely. READ MORE

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