Amazing Grace
a review by Tom Condon, OP
Film synopsis:
It’s the age of the Great British Empire
and William Wilberforceis a newcomer to the world of politics. Just
21 years of age when he enters office, he must learn to operate in
a world of skillful deception and cunning one-upmanship in order to
attain his unpopular goal: the abolition of slavery.
Many of you may know the story
of the beloved hymn, “Amazing Grace.” It
was written by John Newton, a slave ship captain, recounting
his dramatic conversion. Repenting of his way of life,
Newton lives the rest of his life in God’s service, haunted
by the ghosts of 10,000 Africans he transported to slavery
in the late 18th Century.
Newton (played by the great Albert Finney) is a supporting character
in the new movie, Amazing Grace: The William Wilberforce
Story. Newton is better known today than Wilberforce,
but Wilberforce’s legacy is no less substantial. Wilberforce
(Ioan Gruffudd) is a young British politician who comes to know Newton
and is moved by his story. Wilberforce’s conversion is
multi-faceted: he has a genuine religious conversion and wants
to spend time communing with God in nature. At the same time,
he sees God in his brothers and sisters, opening his house to feed
the hungry. The conversion is also political. Once Wilberforce
learns of the horrors of slavery, he dedicates 20 years of his life
to the passage of legislation outlawing Britain’s participation
in the slave trade, at great personal cost to him.
Amazing Grace tells Wilberforce’s story with passion
and surprising wit. It’s rare that such “message” films
have a sense of humor, yet this one finds humor in Wilberforce’s
life and those with whom he comes into contact. Amazing
Grace is also a love story, telling of the budding courtship
between Will and Lucy, who supports his desire for human dignity. In
addition, Grace relates a real story of politics, as Will
and his colleagues argue their case before Parliament, as well as
behind the scenes. The film also chronicles Will’s suffering
from terrible bouts of colitis, no doubt exacerbated by the stress
of his crusade.
Grace has its flaws. For one, I wanted to hear more
of the great hymn! It is sung once in the film and played
beautifully on bagpipes during the closing credits. But,
since it was so central to Wilberforce’s conversion, I wanted
to hear more of it, at least hummed occasionally or played in the
background. Secondly, at times I felt a little lost in the
political maneuverings, especially at a pivotal moment. But
I followed it well enough to get the point.
Most importantly, Amazing Grace is a testament to one man’s
remarkable dedication to following God’s truth. Wilberforce
will not rest until his work is complete. Yet, he cannot accomplish
his task alone. Many others are needed all along the way for
the passage of the bill. The film gives witness to the fact
that religious conversion does have political ramifications. This
point will hopefully challenge many who believe that religion is
purely personal, without any political components. Thankfully,
John Newton and William Wilberforce knew better than that. 200
years after their victory, let’s hope contemporary audiences
will understand the implications for today’s political realm.
At the advance screening I attended last fall, I learned that 26
million people around the world are slaves today, more than the number
enslaved during Wilberforce’s day! Most are women and
children used in the world wide sex trade. I pray that the
spirit of Wilberforce and Newton will be with the peoples of the
world today so that we may act to end this social sin, so clearly
opposed to God’s teaching, and restoring all to their dignity
as God’s children.
Tom Condon, OP
((Amazing Grace is a testament
to one man’s remarkable dedication to following God’s
The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-II
-- adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association of America
rating is PG -- parental guidance suggested. Some material may not
be suitable for children.