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posted on September 18, 2006

Dominican to Head Pope John Paul II Cultural Center

DETROIT --Steven Boguslawski OP , rector and president of Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, has been named acting director of the financially troubled Pope John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington, DC. Cardinal Adam Maida made the announcement August 16, 2006. The center, dedicated to the late, beloved Pope, is running a debt that earlier this year was said to total $36 million. READ MORE

Advocacy, Education and Solidarity Mark Strategy to Confront Human Trafficking

CHICAGO September 18 -– The newly formed Dominican Coordinating Committee to End Human Trafficking met at Dominican University’s Priory Campus in River Forest on August 30-31. Nine women from throughout the U.S. followed up the work of a think tank that had convened earlier this year. They began to shape a strategic approach for U.S. Dominicans to address this escalating and troubling issue, one of the areas of focus of the Dominican Call to Justice. READ MORE

We Have Family in Pakistan

Attack on Lebanon continues to draw concern from Church

LAHORE, Pakistan (UCAN) September 18, 2006 -- Domincian Father James Channan, director of the Pastoral Institute in Multan, said that peace building "is a continuous process," as Church people in eastern Pakistan have conducted a special prayer service for those suffering in the war-torn Middle East. Some 80 laypeople, more than 30 nuns and representatives of various organizations attended. READ MORE

Columbus Domincans Take Corporate Stance
on Human Trafficking.

Dominican Alliance Announces New Justice
Resource Person

HOUSTON, TX September 18, 2006 -- A new resource person for justice action has been named by the Executive Committee of the Dominican Alliance. Ceil Roeger, OP (Houston) will begin the part time position in October.

Parable Conference Celebrates Double Anniversary

RIVER FOREST, IL September 18, 2006--The Parable Conference Board of Directors and staff took time out from their busy Board Meeting, September 8-9, to celebrate the 800th anniversary of Dominican History (1206-2006) and Parable Conference’s 30 years of ministry with the family in the US (1976-2006). READ MORE

Program Offer International Perspective
On Dominican Concerns

What makes a company “good,” and what makes its activity “good” for society? Helen Alford, OP leads the Sixth Interrnational Conference on Catholic Social Thought and Corporate Social Responsibility. Read about this and other coming events.

Edy's Ice Cream Neighborhood Salute
Saturday, September 9, was a very special day in Tutwiler, Mississippi - a day the children had anxiously awaited for months! Back in March, Racine Dominican Sister Joann Blomme, a counselor at the Tutwiler Clinic, entered a contest sponsored by Edy's Ice Cream as advertised in a Family Circle magazine. READ MORE

Barry University Community Takes Part
in Preaching Peace Through Dance Event

MIAMIA SHORES, FL September 18, 2006---Brother Joseph Kilikevice, OP, led a small group of students, faculty and staff in “Preaching Praise Through Dance,” a meditational dance exercise Wednesday afternoon. The activity highlights circle dances and songs from the Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions. READ MORE

First Impressions
Today's Scripture
OP Liturgical Calendar
Catholic Calendar
OP Clip Art

Justice Alert
Dominicans at the United Nations:
New York


FYI: The DLC website is now part of

Read Tom Condon's review of the film World Trade Center and other films worth considering.

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