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Advocacy, Education and Solidarity Mark Strategy to Confront Human Trafficking

CHICAGO September 18--– The newly formed Dominican Coordinating Committee to End Human Trafficking met at Dominican University’s Priory Campus in River Forest on August 30-31. Nine women from throughout the U.S. followed up the work of a think tank that had convened earlier this year. They began to shape a strategic approach for U.S. Dominicans to address this escalating and troubling issue, one of the areas of focus of the Dominican Call to Justice. Several congregations have already studied this issue in depth and have taken action in their locales; the Committee plans to support and leverage those efforts.

The Committee outlined a two-year plan and agreed on specific actions to be taken before the next meeting in November.

In the area of Advocacy for Legislation, after considering which states have no current anti-trafficking legislation, the Committee decided to focus on Kentucky, Wisconsin and New York and begin to mobilize Dominicans to lobby their elected officials to take action. Furthermore, Dominicans throughout the U.S. are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the legislation in their own states. Justice Promoters should be able to assist with information.

In the area of Education, the Committee plans to review the status of level of engagement with the issue of trafficking among U.S. Dominican congregations and provinces to understand clearly what is being done and what might be needed.

The Committee is also compiling a list of educational tools in DVD or VHS format and study guides for those who want to either learn more or be able to make presentations to others.

In the area of Solidarity, the Committee is compiling a list of organizations that are currently working effectively in the effort to end human trafficking. Congregations and provinces may want to consider this list when making charitable contributions.

In the area of Investment and Shareholder Action, the Committee is researching specific ways to influence businesses in the hotel and air travel industries.

OPCOMNET, the network of Dominican communicators, will work closely with the committee to support its efforts.

Reg McKillip, OP, Justice Promoter of the Sinsinawa Dominicans is the current chair of the Dominican Coordinating Committee to End Human Trafficking. She can be reached at opjustice@aol.com.

coming to PBS
Lives for Sale

Columbus Dominicans Take Corporate Stance on Human Trafficking

At a recent meeting, the Dominican sisters and associates of Columbus, OH took a corporate stance against human trafficking:

"We, the Dominican Sisters and Associates of St. Mary of the Springs, Columbus, Ohio stand in firm opposition to the exploitation and violation of the human rights of women, men and children that occur within the growing US and world-wide trafficking market. We seek to inform and to educate ourselves and others of the inherent violence involved in the buying, selling and transporting of human persons. We commit ourselves to work for systemic change in our own society that will give voice to and liberate those whose poverty makes them vulnerable to traffickers."

coming to PBS
Lives for Sale

A new documentary on immigration and human trafficking, premieres on PBS this fall.

Lives for Sale, is the first documentary to address the larger root issues of economic and social injustice—poverty, globalization, educational barriers and ineffective and contradictory immigration policies—that support the existence of this abhorrent abuse of human life.

Watch for local listings.




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