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posted on September 4, 2006
IN MEMORY of September 11th
5th Anniversary

Lord, take me where You want me to go;
Let me meet whom You want me to meet;
Tell me what You want me to say; and
Keep me out of your way.

Father Mychal Judge, OFM - FDNY -
first fatality at ground zero September 11, 2001

One Year After Hurricane Katrina

Two Dominican Communities Learn from Each Other

ST. CATHARINE, KY August 28th, 2006, marked the one year anniversary of when the anguish of Hurricane Katrina ravished and destroyed parts of New Orleans. For many people, like the Eucharistic Missionaries of New Orleans, this is a date they will never forget. However, for the St. Catharine Dominican Sisters, it is the day when they warmly opened their arms and welcomed other Dominican Sisters into their home and became one. READ MORE

US Dominican Named
International Preaching Commission Announced

SANTA SABINA August 31, 2006--As part of a continuing process that has been carried out in the Order since 1998, a newly named International Preaching Commission has been announced by Chrys McVey, OP (Pakistan) socius for Apostolic Life. US Dominican Cathy Hilkert, OP (Akron) is among nine members named to the commission by Bro. Carlos Azpiroz Costa, OP, Master General of the Order. READ MORE

Dominicans Across the US Plan Prayer Day for Peace

September 4 , 2006 -- In response to a call by bro. Carlos Azpiroz Costa, OP , master general of the Order, Dominican congregations, provinces, laity chapters and monasteries are making plans to join other Dominicans on September 21st and wrap the world in prayers for peace.


Elkins Park Dominicans Announce Sale
of Motherhouse Property

ELKINS PARK, PA ---The Dominican Sisters of Elkins Park, announced recently that they have signed an agreement for the sale of the motherhouse property including the Dominican Retreat House. The sale includes the 42 acres of land and the five historic buildings of the campus: the retreat house, St. Dominic Hall, St. Catherine Hall, which serves as the retirement community for the congregation and several other buildings. READ MORE

Dominican Associate Receives Peace Award

CALDWELL, NJ August 6, 2006 – During a prayer ritual celebrating New Jersey’s recent legislation that places a moratorium on capital punishment in the state, Lois Seeligsohn, OPA, a mother, grandmother and an Associate of the Caldwell Dominican Sisters, received the 2006 Dominican Peace Initiative Award. READ MORE

New Book On Holy Spirit

Fire of Love: Encountering the Holy Spirit

A new book by Don Goergen, OP (St. Albert) has just been publsished by Paulist Press. Read Pat Walter's review of the book, which she describes as a 'tour de force' on the role of the Holy Spirit. Readable, traditional and fresh, Don Goergen's book is a must have for serious and not so serious theology students. READ MORE

On August 26, 2006 at St. Dominic Church in Miami, FL, St. Martin de Province celebrated the ordination of three new Dominican priests. Orlando Cardozo, Roberto Merced and Charles Johnson were ordained by The Most Reverend Felipe de Jesus Estevez, DD, Auxiliary Bishop of Miami.

First Impressions
Today's Scripture
OP Liturgical Calendar
Catholic Calendar
OP Clip Art

Justice Alert
Dominicans at the United Nations:
New York


Iraqi Christians on Edge After Priest's Kidnapping MORE

McGreal Center begins new era as Project OPUS transition continues. MORE

DEADLINE September 20:
Dreamers and Doers: Making the Connections
, A conference inspired by the life and work of Marjorie Tuite OP MORE

Sinsinawa Dominican Diane Kennedy, OP honored. MORE

FYI: The DLC website is now part of

More than 60 people are registered, but the Dominican Study Day still has space available. MORE

Tom Condon, OP our film critic reviews three new films: Half Nelson, Quinceanera and Hollywoodland.

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