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US Dominican Named
International Preaching Commission Announced

SANTA SABINA August 31, 2006--As part of a continuing process that has been carried out in the Order since 1998, a newly named International Preaching Commission has been announced by Chrys McVey, OP (Pakistan) socius for Apostolic Life.

US Dominican Cathy Hilkert, OP (Akron) is among nine members named to the commission by Bro. Carlos Azpiroz Costa, OP, Master General of the Order. (see list on right for other members).

The newly announced Commission continues a consultation that included a survey conducted in 2003-2004 of Dominican preaching experiences. US Dominicans made an enthusiastic response to that survey, facilitated by the Dominican Leadership Conference. The promoters of preaching and Dominican Sisters, USA were strong participants as well. READ SURVEY RESULTS. (Word document).

Dominic at Fanjeaux

Recent History of the Questions:

There was an ad hoc commission established, formed after the General Chapter of Bologna (1998) petitioned the Master ‘to constitute a commission… whose task will be to examine the question of the charism of preaching for men and women of the Order and its relation to ordained ministry, and to advance the theological and ecclesiastical dimension of the question’ (ACG 42). The result of this inquiry was presented to the General Chapter of Providence in 2001, which ‘acknowledge[d] the interim report,’ but believing that it had not been sufficiently dealt with, ‘entrust[ed] the [socii] for Intellectual Life and Apostolic Life with the continuance of this reflection, together with experts from diverse parts of the world’ (ACG 435).

In May 2003, both socii sent a letter to every provincial, every prioress general and president of sisters congregations, and to the international commissions of nuns, laity and youth, inviting them to reflect together on how the charism lives in them, suggesting several areas for reflection. They enclosed a copy of the inquiry commissioned by Bologna, and asked that replies be sent to Santa Sabina.

A report on the progress of the survey was presented at the Krakow General Chapter of 2004. The chapter provided direction for the future, recommending discussion on two particular questions: 1. Is collaborative preaching by Dominican women and men, lay and ordained, essential to our witness of the Gospel? And 2. How does profession in the Order of Preachers imply a commission to preach as a participation in the essential mission of the Order? The chapter recommended ‘that, before the next Chapter, a small meeting of theologians, historians, pastors and canonists be held to evaluate responses, continue the reflection, and propose future steps to be taken’ (ACG 111-112).

The two socii, Marcio Couto and Chrys McVey, sent reminders to those who had received the first letter but had not responded. The results have been tabulated by a young Dominican from Ireland, David Rocks, who spent three weeks in Rome on the task. This has been sent to the members of the commission, and to those who asked for it. READ SURVEY RESULTS

The first meeting of the Preaching Commission will be held in Santa Sabina, from 11-14 February 2007. Suggestions to the brothers and sisters of the commission can be sent to the members directly or to

Chrys McVey OP
Socius for Apostolic Life


US Dominican Named to Preaching Commission

Sr. Cathy Hilkert, OP (Akron) has been named as one of nine members of an International Preaching Commission for the Order.

Other members include:

Sr Viviana Ballarin, OP (Italy)
Sr. Blanca Gomez, OP (Uruguay)
Sr Petronille Kayiba, OP (DR Congo)
Duncan MacLaren, OPL (Scotland)
Allan White, OP
Sidbé Sempore, OP
(Cote d’Ivoire)
Daniel Cadrin, OP (Canada)
Felicisimo Martinez, OP (Spain)

Ex officio members
Marcio Couto, OP
Chrys McVey, OP

Commission Questions:

Is collaborative preaching by Dominican women
and men, lay and ordained, essential to our witness of the Gospel?

How does profession
in the Order of Preachers imply a commission to preach as a participation in the essential mission of the Order?

READ the RESULTS of the recent responses to survey questions.


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