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posted on June 12, 2006 

We Have Family in Indonesia

INDONESIA - June 12, 2006--Barely 17 months since the killer tsunami struck, the country is reeling from a magnitude 6.3 earthquake that devastated mainly the area of Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia, with over 5,000 fatalities, thousands more wounded and displaced, and the numbers are rising. The Dominican Sisters of Indonesia have been directly affected by this catastrophe, with their homes and buildings severely damaged.  READ MORE

Two Dominicans Ordained in St. Albert Province

ST. LOUIS, MO June 12, 2006 -- Mother's Day took on a special significance for the Province of St. Albert the Great as two of their members were ordained to the priesthood. Frs. Dominic Holtz, OP and Cedrik Starbuck, OP(pictured) became the newest priests in the Order of Preachers for the Central Province. READ MORE

Sinsinawa Dominican Named International
Co-Promoter for Justice

SANTA SABINA June 12, 2006 -- Toni Harris, OP Past-President of the Dominican Leadership Conference and outgoing prioress of the Sinsinawa Dominicans has been named to the International Commission on Justice, Peace and Care of Creation as Co-Promoter. Margaret Ormond, OP (Columbus) International Coordinator of DSI made the announcement. Toni will succeed Sr. Marie Therese Perdriault, OP (Presentation). READ MORE


Racine Dominican, VietNam Veteran

RACINE, WI June 12, 2006 --Sr. Linda McClanahan is a veteran and a Dominican who lost God in Vietnam and found her way back to the church after years of struggling with her own demons. She now works as a trauma counselor, helping patients who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, many of whom are Vietnam veterans just like her.

Dominican Associate Director Receives
Partners In Mission Award

CINCINNATI, OHIO, Une 12, 2006 --Close to 500 vowed Religious and Associates of religious communities in the United States and Canada celebrated the tenth anniversary of the North American Conference of Associates and Religious (NACAR) at the biennial conference in Cincinnati, Ohio, June 2-4, 2006. Barbar Sharp was named to Partner in Ministry Award. READ MORE

Hawthorne Dominicans Facilitate Reunion
of Famous Ancestors

CONCORD, Mass. [AP] June 1, 2006--Nathaniel Hawthorne will soon be reunited with his wife --more than 130 years after they were buried an ocean apart. The Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne, NY will facilitate the reunion of the remains of their ancestors from London to Concord, Mass, near the graves of Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson. READ MORE

Dominican Nuns Design Jubilee Medal

SUMMIT, NJ -- The Dominican Nuns of Summit, NJ have designed new medals for the jubilee of the founding of the first monastery by St. Dominic. READ MORE

Two Film Reviews

Like it was just another day

Tom Condon, OP is back with two film reviews. United 93 tells the story of the passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 93, the fourth plane hijacked on Sept. 11, 2001. Told in real time, the film re-creates the doomed trip, from takeoff to the hijacking to the realization by those on-board that their plane was part of a coordinated attack against the United States. READ MORE

By Summer's End It Will Be Forgotten

This week film critic, Tom Condon, OP checks in on the soon-to-be-over phenomenon: the DaVinci Code. His review is a fair assessment of the film and the non controversy that everyone, including America Magazine seems to keep talking about. READ MORE.

First Impressions
Today's Scripture
OP Liturgical Calendar
Catholic Calendar
OP Clip Art
Justice Alert
Dominicans at the United Nations:
New York
In Brief:
New book:
The Grace and Task
of Preaching
, edited by Michael Monshau, OP (Holy Name).
Contributors include: Timothy Radcliffe, Mary Catherine Hilkert, Albert Nolan, and Paul Murray. MORE

Laura Bush speaks for millions: let her know what you think. Religious Order Partnership Alert.

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