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Sinsinawa Dominican Named International
Co-Promoter for Justice

SANTA SABINA June 12, 2006 -- Toni Harris, OP, Past-President of the Dominican Leadership Conference and outgoing prioress of the Sinsinawa Dominicans has been named to the International Commission on Justice, Peace and Care of Creation as Co-Promoter. Margaret Ormond, OP (Columbus) International Coordinator of DSI made the announcement.

Toni will work with Co-Promoter, Bro. Prakash Lohale, OP (Pakistan) and will succeed Sr. Marie Therese Perdriault, OP (Presentation) who completes her term.

The Dominican Leadership Conference summarizes well Toni's many gifts:
"Toni will be an excellent Promoter. She will bring to this position a passion as evidenced by her commitment to justice and peace over these many years. Toni served as the first Justice Promoter for North America.

Her long tenure working with indigenous peoples, her leadership both of her congregation and of the Dominican Leadership Conference, her membership in DSI, and her broad international experience will help her mission as Justice and Peace Promoter for DSI. Her vision is broad, always expanding, inclusive and comprehensive. She works collaboratively and efficiently and possesses an excellent sense of humor and good grace."


The International Commission of Justice Peace and Care of Creation is comprised of co-promoters in several regions of the world: North America, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia-Pacific, Africa and Europe.

Each region has a friar adn sister co-promoter who are part of the International Commission. Dusty Farnan, OP (Adrian) and Philippe Leblanc, OP (Canada) are the North American Regional Promoters of Justice, Peace and Care of Creation.
Sinsinawa Dominican Named International

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