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Perspectives on Iraq
2006 INDEX

June, 2006 Children in Iraq: How well they are treated will determine the future of the country. A report by the United Nations NGO Working Group on Iraq. READ MORE

May, 2006
Light in the Midst of Darkness: Iraqi Dominicans Offer Healing and Hope, Roberta Popara. OP

April, 2006: frei Betto, OP: My Dreams for Peace . What would happen if the world followed Isaiah's vision for world peace? Read all about it.

March, 2006: Rihab Mousa, OP How much can people take?
Thoughts on coming home to Mosul, Iraq

February, 2006 Luma Khudher: Dominican Sister's first visit home in 3 years reveals a very different village than she left

January, 2006, Richard Woods, OP, Catholics and Dominicans in Iraq



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