NGO Working Groups and
The Domincan Leadership Conference NGO
Represntative to the United Nations New York participates in a number
of Working Groups and Committees which focus on particular issues
and themes.
The NGO Working Group on Iraq is composed of NGOs who come together
in order to establish and build a relationship with members of the
Security Council and with agencies within the UN System for the purpose
of information sharing and advocacy related to the humanitarian needs
of the Iraqi people as well as a peaceful solution to the present
crisis. |
Working Group
on Israel Palestine |
Mission Statement:
The Non-governmental Organization Working Group on Israel
Palestine advocates for a just peace by acting within the United Nations
community to bridge the realities of life on the ground in Israel
and the Occupied Palestinian Territories with international debate |
NGO Working Group
on Girls |
The Working Group on Girls and its International
Network for Girls are dedicated to promoting the rights of girls in
all areas of their lives, advancing the rights and status of girls
and assisting them to develop their full potential as women. |
NGO Committee
The NGO Committee on HIV/AIDS addresses policy within the UN system
of the HIV/AIDS pandemic by advocating for global action related to
the epidemic, strengthening and supporting an expanded response for
the prevention of transmission of HIV; the provision of care and support;
reducing the vulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV/AIDS
including the social stigma associated with the disease; and alleviating
the impact of the epidemic.
Committee on Migration |
The NGO Committee on Migration supports the formation
of a PERMANENT FORUM ON MIGRATION ISSUES within the United Nations
to include all stakeholders and calls for a number of initiatives
that would address the complexities of migration including labor standards,
articulation of human rights related to migrant workers, collaborative
efforts to halt human trafficking and several other common goals. |
NGO Committee
on Financing for Development |
The NGO Committee on FfD supports the goals of the Monterrey Concensus,)
the International Conference on Financing for Development held
Monterrey, Mexico in 2002) to “eradicate poverty, achieve sustained
economic growth, and promote sustainable development as we advance
to a fully inclusive and equitable global economic system.” |
NGO Committee
on Social Development |
Every person, every people, every nation has a part to play in building
peaceful, prosperous global family. Members of the NGO Committee
on Social Development are dedicated to promoting people-centered
development though the United Nations.