2008 DLC Annual Meeting:
Leading for Mission
ADRIAN, MI October 27, 2008-- "Leading for Mission," a
theme that captured the energy and spirit of the 2008 DLC Annual
Meeting in Adrian, was also the impetus for lively discussion of
the future of Dominican Life and Mission in the United States.
Ray Dlugos, OSA, Ph.D. launched the meeting with insightful observations
about the addictive aspects of our culture and laid out for those
present --the tasks they face as leaders. Critical to effective
leadership is a spiritual path that includes: right relationship
with creation, humility and compassion, the courage to be lonely
and a proactive effort to seek and create community. (read
talk here)
Responders Maureen Geary, OP (Grand Rapids) and Marty
Gleeson, OP (St. Martin) drew out probing questions from
Ray's talk and added to the reflection on the role leadership
plays. (use the links on right to read responses)
early highlight of the meeting was an affectionate
tribute to Eileen Gannon, OP (Sparkill) the outgoing
NGO Representative to the United Nations, New York
and the celebration of ten years of presence there
by the Dominican Family. Surprise guest and long
time colleague Carol Zinn, SSJ recalled for the
members the early days of how the first religious
women to come to the United nations found their
way among the complex and often mystifying maze
of international organizations. Eileen was there
in the midst of it.
related story)
A video presentation from UN colleagues Kevin Dance, CP and Lucianne
Siers, OP (Grand Rapids) along with DVUSA Volunteer Lauren Vater
extolled Eileen's contribution to the NGO community and, in a playful
way, described the canonization process of Eileen. Mary Murray,
OP (Sparkill) was very pleased to express her congregation's appreciation
of Eileen and all she has done in the name of her sisters. A standing
ovation was long and sustained, but could not entirely express
our gratitude.
A number of significant reports informed the discussion. These
included the Dominican Call to Justice, by Chuck Dahm, OP (St.
Albert) North American Co-Promoter of Justice and Peace, The Promoters
of Preaching, Jeanne Wiest, OP (Adrian), Kevin Sullivan of the
Dominican Young Adult Movement, Megan McElroy, OP (Grand Rapids)
and Kathleen Anne Tait, OP (Springfield) for the 20/20 Task Force
and others. All of this information was prelude to a spirited discussion
of the future of the DLC itself.
Members are well aware of the external constraints on resources,
not just for the DLC but for many Dominican entities and projects
in the US. The group grappled with the questions: What new
and creative ways do we want to be together for the sake of
mission? How do you see DLC in the future?
The discussion resulted in an open ended exploration of what the
future might hold and an agreement to form a design group who will
bring back new and creative ideas for the next meeting.
The members enjoyed a presentation from Dominican Sisters International
by Fabiola Valesquesz Maya, OP (Presentation) Toni Harris, OP (Sinsinawa)
Pat Simpson, OP (San Rafael) and Kathleen McGinn, OP (Amityville).
They highlighted the global dimensions of the Order and the role
that the DSI Solidarity Fund plays in making possible several significant
projects around the world. These included the meeting of Dominican
Sisters Africa, a preaching program for sisters under 40 in Eastern
Europe and support for the work of Dominicans in the Asia Pacific
region. DLC member congregations and provinces contribute to the
Toni Harris, OP (Sinsinawa) also made a report as the International
Co-Promoter of Justice and Peace, noting the work done by her office
to keep Dominicans around the world informed about issues of justice
and peace, particularly as they impact Dominicans "on the
The issue of the situation of the people and of the Dominicans
in Zimbabwe came to the attention of the group. There is a desperate
need for food in the country that is widespread and difficult to
manage. Congregations and provinces were encouraged to consider
a donation to the DSI Solidarity Fund for that purpose. (see
related story)
Other international guests included Ed Ruane, OP (St. Albert) Socius
of the Order, Therese Antoine, OP (Catherine of Siena) Trinidad,
and Roseanne Schlitt, OP (Adrian) Dominican Volunteers International.
Perhaps the most touching moment of the meeting came on the last
day, when the conference acknowledged the coming change in the
DLC membership when seven member congregation will officially form
the Dominican Sisters of Peace. The outgoing leadership of Akron,
Columbus, Great Bend, Kentucky, Oxford, St. Mary's New Orleans
and the Eucharistic Missionaries of St. Dominic were acknowledged
and gratitude was expressed for their service.
The Conference also acknowledged the Parable Conference for Dominican
Life and Mission, which recently closed its offices as well as
the Cabra Dominicans who will no longer have a presence at the
DLC. The 20th anniversary of the Collaborative Novitiate was also
The DLC members elected Maureen Geary, OP (Grand Rapids) VIce President
and re-elected Rebecca Ann Gemma, OP (Springfield) Secretary. Anne
Kilbride, OP (Columbus) completed her service on the Executive
Committee as Past President and Carol Gaeke, OP (Catherine de'
Ricci) began her term as President. Cass McDonnell, OP (Hope) began
her service as Past President. Charlene Moser, OP (Kentucky) continues
her service as Treasurer. Other members of the Executive Committee
include Mary Ellen O'Grady, OP (Sinsinawa) Executive Director,
Anne Lythgoe, OP (Catherine de' Ricci) Communications Coordinator
and Margaret Mayce, OP (Amityville) NGO Representative at the UN/New
This annual meeting was a time to mark a year of endings, of assessing
present realities, of imagining the future, and being open to new
possibilities. It was a meeting in which many said goodbye. It
was a meeting where we said hello to new members of the Dominican
Order, in the High School and College Preaching Conferences and
the Dominican Young Adult Movement. These offered a glimpse into
Dominican Life of the next generation.
Who knows where the changes we now experience will lead? The DLC
mission continues to hold energy and promise in building relationships
and collaboration in the mission of preaching the Gospel. The task
ahead is to embrace the future and lead with courage.
Anne Lythgoe, OP (Catherine de 'Ricci)
DLC Communications Coordinator
our online photo gallery to see images of the meeting.
Click on the image below
to read the talks:
![Ray Dlugos](Photos/RayDlugos_2008_125px.jpg)
Keynote Address by
Ray Dlugos, OSA, Ph.D.
![Marty Gleeson](Photos/MartyGleason_responder_125px.jpg)
Marty Gleeson, OP
(St. Martin)
![Maureen Geary](Photos/MaureenGeary125px.jpg)
Geary, OP (Grand Rapids)
Pat Twohill's homily
Cass McDonnell's homily
READ Cass McDonnell's Welcome
Sharon Casey's homily
2008 Annual Report
Thank you to the planning committee:
Carol Gaeke, OP
(Catherine de’ Ricci)
Margaret Mayce, OP (DLC/Amityville)
Rebecca Ann Gemma, OP (Springfield)
Anne Kilbride, OP
Charlene Moser, OP
Anne Lythgoe, OP DLC/Catherine de’ Ricci)
Cass McDonnell, OP
Mary Ellen O’Grady, OP (DLC/Sinsinawa)
Eileen Gannon, OP
Dominic Izzo, OP
(St. Joseph)
Cathy Olds, OP (Adrian)
Joan Murray, OP (Sinsinawa)
Liturgy and Environment:
Elaine Jahrsdoerfer, OP (Amityville)
Door Prizes: Dominicans from Grand Rapids, Oxford, Adrian and
the DLC. Special thanks to the staff and hospitality service
of Weber Center and, of course, the hospitality of the Dominican
Sisters of Adrian.
our online photo gallery to see images of the meeting.