We the preachers of Trinity High School, River Forest, Illinois commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- raising awareness at our school about social injustices and the signs of the times.
- inviting our prayer partners, Sr. Pat Spangler and Sr. Kathy Erard, to visit our school and share their experiences.
- focus more on the four pillars of Dominican life.
- strive to preach through action in our school, look up and look out, and be the change we want to see in our community.

We the preachers of San Gabriel Mission High School commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- focusing on the four Dominican pillars and integrating them into our class retreats.
- collaborating with San Gabriel Mission Parish in their work with immigration reform.

We the preachers of St. Pius X High School in Houston, Texas commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- Host a campus forum on human trafficking that will include a special all-school assembly, a dedicated session of our Positive School Climate Initiative and also name the Houston Restore and Recovery Coalition for Victims of Human Trafficking as the beneficiary of the Stewardship for Justice Campaign Collection during Lent 2014.
- To invite Mr. Petro to our campus again as a guest presenter during Catholic Schools Week because of his relatability and energetic style which can impact and impress upon many students in a positive way.
- To share what we have experienced and learned at this conference with our faculty and staff to make them aware of the impact the conference has had on each of us and will have on our school in the coming year.
- To plan an exchange pilgrimage with our southern region sister school, St. Agnes in Memphis, Tennessee to promote friendship and unity in our shared mission as Dominican Schools of faith.

We the preachers of St. Mary’s Dominican High School, New Orleans, Louisiana commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- Increase visibility and understanding of who the Dominican Student Preachers are within our school community.
- Provide additional spiritual experiences such as extended morning and afternoon prayer for students one time each semester.
- Relate with the Dominican Sisters of Peace by meeting with them.
- Invite other local schools in the archdiocese to participate in prayer experiences with us.

We the preachers of St. John the Baptist High School, West Islip, New York commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- We will lead a “coffee house” based on the prayer services held here.
- We will complete a service project as Dominican Preachers while keeping the four pillars in our hearts.
- We will hold a “Human Trafficking Awareness Day” and sell white ribbons to benefit organizations related to this issue.

We the preachers of St. Dominic Academy, Jersey City, New Jersey commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- Work with campus ministry in planning the liturgies and prayer services.
- Talking at the opening school faculty meeting about our Preaching Conference and our wish that the faculty would take the leadership role in keeping the Dominican charism alive.
- We would like to join together with our peer ministry club and Dominican Youth in Action to unite our actions to preach as St. Dominic did within our school.

We the preachers of St. Agnes Academy, Houston, Texas commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- By expanding campus ministry through the involvement of at least twenty more girls so as to have a preaching body of one hundred plus students.
- By promoting a more positive attitude from the student body towards campus ministry, particularly focusing on willing participation in retreats and masses.
- By staying in touch with the Dominican Schools in our area.

We the preachers of St. Agnes Academy, Memphis, Tennessee commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- Implement a service oriented retreat where students would learn about social justice issues impacting our society, such as GMO’s, immigration, and human trafficking. In addition, retreat participants would complete works of art, such as knot rosaries, to be donated to local charities.
- Create a wellness tree on the St. Agnes campus to help honor those students and families affected by illness.
- Explore the possibility of creating a new retreat outside of the mandatory class retreats for those students who wish to pursue a deeper relationship with God.
- Continuing a lower school retreat program to raise awareness of our Dominican identity.
- Implementing special prayer services on Human Trafficking Awareness Day and International Peace Day that might include meditation, informative presentations, and follow up activities that support these campaigns.

We the preachers of St. Agnes Academic, College Point, New York commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
• To plan a retreat day for the entire student body.
• To enlighten the students on the Dominican saints and the four pillars.
• To incorporate what we experienced in the liturgies and prayer services in our school community.
We the preachers of Sacred Heart – Griffin High School, Springfield, Illinois commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
• To raise awareness about the “signs of the times.”
• To provide and promote more service opportunities.
• To promote different aspects of Catholicism and being truly Dominican.

We the preachers of Sacred Heart High School, Los Angeles, California commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- Through the creative arts by:
- Rosary making
- Mandalas
- Hungarian Stars
- To use a variety of prayer styles in our meetings, retreats and prayer services such as songs, plays and impersonations of our Dominican saints.
- Using what we learned at the incoming freshmen retreat so that all new students are able to preach in innovative ways.
- Service opportunities
- Fellowship groups

We the preachers of Rosary High School, Aurora, Illinois commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- We will continue to learn about preaching and reflection and we will prepare to preach at all Rosary masses and prayer services.
- Our Dominican Preachers will partner with the Rosary Human Rights Club to raise awareness about the problem of human trafficking. We will also explore ways high school students can make a difference for victims of trafficking.

We the preachers of Regina Dominican, Wilmette, Illinois commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- To encourage the student body to participate in singing along during Mass.
- To obtain a day set aside to learn and enjoy difference types of prayer in order to find how God speaks to them, including the form of prayer, Taize.
- To bring back the traditional Dominican Blessing into our school for morning prayer instead of the revised version we use now.
- To use our chapel by having intimate and themed services dedicated to our students and faculty.
- To work with our environmental club to promote global awareness as a community.

We the preachers of Queen of Peace High School, Burbank, Illinois commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- Define Dominican preaching to the school community.
- Education about Dominican values and saints.
- Create more service opportunities.
- Create relationships and connections with our sponsoring sisters.
- Focus on social justice issues that affect our student body.

We the preachers of Our Lady of the Elms, Akron, Ohio commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- Holding a Dominican week during the school year.
- Sharing current events in the Dominican community weekly.
- Hosting a speaker to expand students’ knowledge of the Dominican Pillars.
- Presenting information on the Dominican Preaching Conference.

We the preachers of Mount St. Dominic Academy of Caldwell, New Jersey commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- To propose an annual Dominican Day, to educate the student body on Dominican Saints, the pillars and to embrace the Dominican tradition. We feel we can accomplish this through the help of a charismatic Dominican guest speaker and our preachers.
- Include in our Day of the Girl and our Justice Day what we learned about combatting human trafficking. We plan on joining the SOAP program.
- Create an on campus prayer garden and meditation area. We want to include a fountain in which we would put the water from past conferences, this conference and future conferences.
- Expand the ways we preach the gospel. For example, acting our Scripture stories during prayer services and liturgies.

We the preachers of Dominican High School, Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- Personalize prayer during morning/afternoon announcements
- Dominican Blessing
- Petition Book
- Mention world issues
- Offer/assist underclassmen in prayer planning.
- Develop a relationship with our Sinsinawa sisters
- Visit the Mound (each class)
- Educate students on our order, history and tradition
- Create pen pal system for sisters/students

We the preachers of Marian Catholic High School, Chicago Heights, Illinois commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- We commit to building community at our school and instilling a sense of pride for our Dominican identity.
- We commit to help our classmates recognize their gifts and encourage them to use those gifts to preach in their daily lives.
- We commit to promoting a culture of prayer and to introduce new forms of prayer to our community.
- We commit to working with other Dominican high schools in our area to spread a love for our shared charism in the Midwest.

We the preachers of Immaculate Conception Academy commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- Look up, look out. We will encourage the student body to do so as well. We will look up to God and look out for each other in our school community.
- Encourage the student body to volunteer in their community so as to stop what they concerning injustices.
- Use their artistic/creative activities to see that they can preach in different ways, through their gifts and talents.

We the preachers of Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy, La Cañada, California commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- Coordinate more service opportunities for the student body and promote them with energy and positivity.
- Share preaching ideas, stories of successes and failures, with fellow preachers.
- Create a modern-day series of short videos on Catherine of Siena’s life.

We the preachers of Fenwick High School, Oak Park, Illinois commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- Plan an all school assembly that focuses on the four Dominican Pillars and how Veritas ties them together.
- Using the home group model, we will plan freshman retreat in such a way that the new Friars of the class of 2017 become closer as a community.
- We will prepare the Fenwick community for our annual Bishop Fenwick Day Mass by setting up a display on Bishop Fenwick’s life in the Atrium.

We the preachers of Edgewood High School, Madison, Wisconsin commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- During our school’s monthly “Dominican Day” we will assist in coordinating homeroom time to share our Dominican heritage, especially the celebration this year of Dominican priest Samuel Mazzuchelli who founded our Sinsinawa congregation, and to inform fellow students of Dominican responses to the injustices of our day.
- By sharing information and leading prayer at our school’s board of trustees meetings, we will continue teaching its members about our Dominican mission.
- As peer ministers we will strive to incorporate Dominican prayer and awareness of our Dominican heritage into our school liturgies, especially during Catholic Schools Week, with a focus on being inclusive and promoting an ecumenical and interfaith spirit.

We the preachers of Dominican Academy, New York commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- By encouraging our sisters at Dominican Academy to participate more fully in Mass by singing. We will do this by sharing our experiences of the prayer services and liturgies here and by working with our music director to pick songs the girls will sing.
- By preparing and leading a prayer service for the opening meeting of the Dominican Academy Preachers that will incorporate pictures of and reflections about our experiences at the Preaching Conference.

We the preachers of Colegio San Antonio, Isabela, Puerto Rico commit to preach the gospel in the following ways:
- Share with our classmates and community the joy of Dominican charism that we have discovered during this week such as preaching through the arts.
- Improve the Mass and other events in our school by incorporating the elements of this Dominican charism, such as acting, singing and dancing, and in this way increase the student’s spirit and involvement with our Dominican community.