a review by Tom Condon, OP (St. Martin)
Michael Moore is at it again, so watch out! This time, Moore
takes on the American health care/insurance industry. Moore
asks why we as a country can’t do better job attending to the
health needs of all our citizens, both insured and uninsured. He
compares our largely for-profit health care system with the systems
in four other countries: Canada, England, France, and, surprisingly,
Cuba. Moore finds that each of the countries provides good
care at a cost much lower than ours. Despite what we so often
hear, both the public and medical personnel are largely satisfied
with the systems in these countries. Moore wonders why we can’t
learn from these countries and incorporate changes to our own system.
As usual, Moore’s style is quasi-documentary, with plenty
of his own satirical humor thrown in for good measure. Moore
is often visible in the film, with his trademark baseball cap, asking
questions. He even leads a group of people, including 9/11
volunteers, who had been denied medical treatment in this country,
to Guantanamo, after hearing reports of how good their health care
was. Moore relishes being a lightning rod in his films, stating
his bias and calling attention to issues he believes are being ignored. At
least, to Moore’s credit, he lays his biases out there, and
doesn’t try to hide them.
One thing Moore does well is to tell the stories of ordinary people. In Sicko, he
tells the stories of several people who have suffered because of
deficiencies in our health care system: one couple forced to
move in with their children after declaring bankruptcy when their
insurance was cancelled; a woman whose daughter died when she was
denied treatment at a hospital which was not covered by her HMO,
and several others denied treatment for various reasons. Moore
focuses, not on the indigent, but on working people who are uninsured,
underinsured, or denied coverage.
Sicko concludes with Moore appealing to the compassionate
spirit at the heart of Americans to take better care of our own sick
brothers and sisters. He ends on a hopeful note: imploring
us to look at what other countries are doing well, and incorporate
these changes into our own medical system, as we are quick to do
in other areas, rather than putting down a blanket condemnation of
these systems.
I know many people are turned off by Michael Moore. I don’t
know if Sicko will change any minds about him. I actually
think he is more restrained here than in other films; he doesn’t
go around thrusting microphones and cameras in peoples’ faces. But
he is still outrageous and satirical in his approach to filmmaking. Like
him or not, he makes you think about important issues, like our broken
health care system which excludes millions of people from care. I’d
certainly cringe if Michael Moore showed up at my office door with
a camera and microphone. But, at the same time, for the sake
of our society, I have to say I’m glad he’s out there
stirring things up. Somebody needs to.
Tom Condon, OP