Into the Wild
A review by Tom Condon, OP
Into the Wild is the amazing, true story of Christopher
McCandless, a wealthy young man, who, upon graduating from Emory
University in 1990, drives his old car out West and simply disappears
for two years. Chris despises his parents’ wealthy suburban
Virginia lifestyle. He has been deeply hurt by their deeply
dysfunctional relationship and frequent fighting. Chris dreams
of living on his own, making his way through the West, and eventually
to Alaska. He accomplishes most of his dream, hitchhiking across
California, working on a wheat farm in South Dakota, kayaking the
Colorado River into Mexico, and eventually making his way to Alaska,
living on his own in an abandoned school bus for six months.
In many ways, Chris resembles the hippies of his parents’ generation,
with his disdain for conventional society. When asked what
he wants to do with his life, he responds that the concept of career
is a very recent invention. For countless generations, people
have been living off the land. Why change now? Along
the way, Chris meets many interesting people, including like-minded
hippies Rainey and Jan (Brian Dierker and the excellent Catherine
Keener) who take a real liking to Chris, but also challenge his cutting
of ties with his parents (William Hurt and Marcia Gay Harden). Later
in his journey, Chris meets Ron Franz (the veteran actor Hal Holbrook,
in a wonderful performance), a man who has lived alone for decades
after the tragic death of his wife and son and his subsequent battle
with alcohol. Ron becomes a real wisdom figure and surrogate
father for Chris, teaching him the importance of forgiveness and
love. And even that most rare thing of all for a mainstream
film: Ron, a deeply religious man, talks to Chris about God. The
scenes between Chris and Ron are quite moving.
Director and screenwriter Sean Penn adapted Into the Wild from
the book by Jon Krakauer. Penn’s film takes its time
telling Chris’ story, moving backward and forward in time. For
much of the film, Chris comes across as likeable young man, but I
kept waiting for him to get over his hurt and disillusionment and
return home. The film is narrated by Chris’ sister, Carine
(Jena Malone). While Carine shares many of Chris’ feelings
about their parents, she is also hurt that he never attempts to contact
I admit that I was restless with the film’s 2 hour, 20 minute
running length. However, the last sequences of the movie are
engrossing, as Chris starts to come to grips with himself and his
need for others. Through the care of Rainey, Jan, and especially
Ron, he begins to experience the love he did not feel at home. As
excited as Chris is to get to Alaska, he eventually experiences loneliness. His
final entry into his journal reflects that love needs to be shared
with others.
Interesting, too, is the effect of Chris’ disappearance on
his parents. Their sense of loss seems to humanize them as
well, as they begin to mourn the loss of the gifted son they misunderstood.
Despite its rambling length, Into the Wild is ultimately
rewarding. As with any religious quest, Chris’ soul-searching
and reflection on the friends he meets along the way brings him in
touch with his desire to be connected to others and even consider
God. Although few of us have taken as extreme a journey as
Chris, I think his experience will certainly touch the itinerant
spirit in us all.
Tom Condon, OP