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posted on February 18, 2008

Tell anyone who asks that “we are all sons of St. Dominic"

Kenya mapKISUMU, KENYA - February 14, 2008--Tell anyone who asks that “we are all sons of St. Dominic,” said Dominican Fr. Martin Martiny in response to questions of who is in the compound of Dominican friars in Kenya. Read a National Catholic Reporter story about how religous communities are coping with the conflict and tribalism there.

Dominicans Join Religious Leaders in Refugee Assessment

Iraq RefugeesWASHINGTON, DC --Feburary 18, 2008 -- Three leading Dominicans recently participated in a Catholic Relief Services (CRS) delegation to Syria and Lebanon to assess the situation of Iraqis refugees. The group met with a cross section of people in both countries including UNHCR Regional Representatives, Christian and Islamic leaders.
Arlene Flaherty, OP (Blauvelt) of CRS offers the first of what will be several reports in the coming weeks examining the issues and advocating action. READ MORE

Web Broadcast on Climate Change
and Earth-Centered Law

Earth in PerilMIAMI SPRINGS, FL - February 17, 2008-- The Center for Earth Jurisprudence’s Symposium Framing an Earth Jurisprudence for a Planet in Peril will be held at Barry University School of Law on Friday, February 29 in Orlando. The presentations are being framed in light of climate change and how law needs to respond.  The program will be availble via live web streaming, so people can watch from their computers. 

In Our Keeping: McGreal Center Announces Dominican Archivists and Historians Conference

In Our KeepingRIVER FOREST, IL --Sr. Janet Welsh, OP, Interim Director of the McGreal Center, announced the speakers for In Our Keeping, a conference for Dominican archivists and historians planned for June 12-15th. Barbara Beaumont, OP, historian at S.H.O.P., in Fanjeaux will deliver the keynote address. READ MORE

Springfield Dominicans Host Retreat for Sisters with Memory Loss

Memory Loss RetreatSPRINGFIELD, IL - February 17, 2008 -- "The retreat met all of my dreams for these Sisters,” said Sister Phyllis Schenk, OP, Dominican Sisters of Springfield Vicaress General and Liaison for Retreats. “It tapped into old memories while also bringing the participants to a contemplative space for prayer and peace today.”

Preaching Justice: Dominican Contributions
to Social Ethics in the Twentieth Century

Preaching JusticeThis book is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the concrete application of Catholic social doctrine in different periods and situations in the twentieth century. And for those interested in Dominican history, the book is truly a treasure. Chuck Dahm, OP (St. Albert) North American Co-Promoter of Peace and Justice reviews the book and offers his take on its significance. Helen Alford, OP, co- author is interviewed by Zenit in a recent article.
READ Chuck's review.

Justice, A Biblical Perspective

JusticeJustice, A Bibilical Perspective is a new book available in March from Carol Dempsey, OP. Focusing on concepts and themes as they relate to the comprehensive view of justice contained in the Old and New Testaments, Justice: A Biblical Perspective brings together various passages to give the historical and literary context. Dempsey sets a clear definition of justice and its relationship to compassion, two virtues that lead to liberation. READ MORE

Globalization and Economic Ethics: Distributive Justice in the Knowledge Economy
A new book by Albino Barrera, OP, professor of the at Providence College What is the appropriate criterion to use for distributive justice?  Is it efficiency, need, contribution, entitlement, equality, effort, or ability? READ MORE


Don't miss your chance to participate in the DLC's April Gift Giveaway program. Lots of chances to win every day in April. MORE

Christ in the World Newsletter for January/February (PDF)

Maryknoll shares with us some useful links for our study and preparation for the 2008 election. READ MORE

Collaborative Dominican Novitiate
reflections on the 20th Anniversary continue

Pat Simpson
Sr. Pat Simpson, OP (San Rafael) of Dominican Sisters International (DSI) Coordinating Committee reports on their work.

DIA logo

The Dominican Institute for the Arts will hold its Annual Gathering in Columbus, Ohio, this year from July 10-13.
All artists and appreciators of the arts who are part of the Dominican Family are eligible to join.  

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