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posted on February 4, 2008

UPDATE on the Dominican Friars in Kenya
Kenya Violence Escalates toward Ethnic Cleansing

Kenya fireNAIROBI, February 4, 2008-- Published news reports indicate that the escalating violence in Kenya has gone beyond disputes about the recent presidential elections and moved to a disturbing trend toward ethnic cleansing. Our latest reports include a new report from David Adiletta, OP, Vicar Provincial and continuing updates from Kevin Kraft, OP and Maryknoll Sr. Katie Erisman. News sources on the right sidebar will keep you informed of the latest reports about the country. READ MORE

Dominican Lenten Prayer for Peace

Several sources for Lenten prayers come your way, the first being a prayer service for each week of Lent from the Iraq Coordinating Committee. Also included are new translations of some Lenten homilies of St. Vincent Ferrer, from Al Judy, OP (St. Albert) and more. READ MORE

Federal Prison Sentence for Springfield Activist Demonstrating at SOA Rally

SPRINGFIELD, IL --February 4, 2008 --  "I crossed the line at WHINSEC and prayed on the grounds to bring attention to the teaching of torture and assassination,” said Diane Lopez-Hughes, who is a member of the Anti-Racism Team of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield.   “When enough people learn the truth about this school and act to end these practices, the healing can begin." READ MORE

Sister Dorothy Marie Hennessey, peace activist
jailed at age 88, dies

DUBUQUE, Iowa (CNS) -- Franciscan Sister Dorothy Marie Hennessey, a teacher turned activist who made national news at age 88 when she was sentenced to federal prison for trespassing at a Georgia military base, died January 24 at the age of 94. READ MORE

Dominican Communicators Strategize On Justice Agenda

ADRIAN, MI -- February 4, 2008. Communications coordinators and directors from across the US met at Weber Center, in Adrian January 24-27th to sharpen their skills and engage in conversation with Dominican Sisters from Iraq and the North American Co-Promoters of Justice, Dusty Farnan, OP and Chuck Dahm, OP. Dusty has recently returned from a Catholic Relief Services delegation to Syria and Lebanon. READ MORE

Two New Dominican Books

Two new books by Dominican writers have just been published by Paulist Press. Praying with the Dominicans: To Praise, to Bless, to Preach, by John Vidmar, OP (PDF)

and Thomas Aquinas on the Jews, Insights into his Commentary on Romans 9-11 (PDF)by Steven C. Boguslawski, OP

Black History Month

Maya AngelouOn February 6th, PBS stations across the US will premier a second series on notable black Americans. AFRICAN AMERICAN LIVES 2 again journeys deep into the ancestry of an all-new group of remarkable individuals, offering an in-depth look at the African-American experience and race relations throughout U.S. history. Check local listings.

There Will Be BloodFaith and Film:
There Will Be Blood
Tom Condon looks at Daniel Day-Lewis's performance in a film about family, greed, religion, and oil, centered around a turn-of-the-century prospector in the early days of the business. Find out why Tom thinks you should go see it. READ MORE


DLC has begun its April Gift Giveaway program. Here's your chance to support the group that supports Lots of chances to win every day in April. MORE

Christ in the World Newsletter for January/February (PDF)

Maryknoll shares with us some useful links for our study and preparation for the 2008 election. READ MORE

Collaborative Dominican Novitiate
reflections on the 20th Anniversary continue

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