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posted on November 19, 2007

thanksgiving day

Car Explosion Damages Dominican Iraqi Convent

MOSUL - ( November 19, 2007-- In the small town of Telesqof 25 Km north of Mosul, a car bomb explosion damaged the convent where Dominicans were staying. Although none of the sisters were hurt, several other people were injured and one was reportedly killed. The sisters were attending Mass in the village church at the time of the explosion which happened early in the morning on November 8, 2007. School had not yet opened for the day.

The sisters reported damage to the house, broken glass and blown out windows. The explosion occured near the headquarters of the Kurdistan Democratic Party. Sr. Marie Therese said that the sisters were shaken but unharmed and she continues to thank God for their safety.

Dominican Association of Secondary Schools Asks:

How Do Students Make Moral Decisions?

Charles BouchardMundelein, IL - November 12, 2008-- The third convocation of the Dominican Association of Secondary Schools (DASS) took place this past weekend at St. Mary of the Lake Conference Center in Mundelein. Administrators, teachers, and board members from 21 Dominican high schools attended. READ MORE

Lay Dominicans Deepen Leadership Skills

Lay Leadership ProgramDETROIT, MI --On November 1-4 Lay Dominicans of Saint Albert the Great Province in the Midwestern area of the United States sponsored a Leadership Workshop for moderators, formation directors and spiritual assistants of each of the 20 chapters and groups in the Province.  READ MORE

Dominicans Celebrate Newly Beatified Martyrs

Brian PierceROME, ITALY -- November 19, 2007--- Brian Pierce, OP (St. Martin) was among many Dominicans who witnessed the beatification of almost 500 Spanish Maryrs in Rome recently. Among them, a former Master of the Order, a contemplative nun and several Dominicans who have served the Church around the world. He recalls the events and reflects on their meaning for us as members of the Order of Preachers. READ MORE

Church and Ministry: A Response to Dutch Dominicans

SANTA SABINA (IDI) November 19, 2007--- Recent news services report that Dominicans in the Netherlands have published a document recommending that lay ministers chosen by their congregations should be allowed to celebrate the Eucharist if no ordained priests are available. Distributed to all the parishes of the country, the document calls on the Church to " drop its priest-centred model of the Mass in favour of one built around a community sharing bread and wine in prayer." Bro Edward Ruane OP, Vicar to the Master of the Order, has issued a response to this document. READ MORE

Ten Questions: Toni Harris, OP                                                  

Based on a TIME magazine regular feature, interviews with influential Dominicans will appear occasionally on We start with
Toni Harris, OP (Sinsinawa) who has had a long commitment to justice issues, having been the first sister to serve as the North American Co-Promoter of Justice and Peace and, therefore, the first sister-member of the International Dominican Commission for Justice and Peace. MORE

Great Schools of Spirituality Program
Spirituality Program Brings Dominican Scholars Together

Margaret OrmondPLYMOUTH, MI-- November 19, 2007--- A new program that will bring noted Dominican scholars together is being planned for June, 2008. Dominican Spirituality for Contemporary Seekers will explore Dominic in his historic context, Dominicans in a global context and the challenges of truth for Dominicans' today. Featured speakers include: Timothy Radcliffe, OP (Oxford) Donald Goergen, OP (St. Albert) Nancy Murray, OP (Adrian) Barbara Cervenka, OP (Adrian) Suzanne Noffke, OP (Racine) Margaret Ormond, OP (Columbus) and Patricia Walter, OP (Adrian) READ MORE

Latest UN BRIEFING: The latest report and information from the United Nations/New York.


In Our Keeping-- a conference for Dominican historians, archivists and secretaries of congregations and provinces MORE

Advent Retreat at Sinsinawa Mound

Choose Life: In All Seasons A Retreat for Women who have experienced or are experiencing cancer. MORE

Visit the
Coming Events page for more info.

The North American Dominican Coordinating Committee on Iraq is offering a prayer service on refugees for your use during Advent. Download a Word document here.

All People Are Welcome in God’s House--Chuck Dahm has prepared some homilies and petitions on immi-gration for the readings in Advent.. Download a Word Document here.
Faith and Hope in New Orleans

Two years after Hurricane Katrina, how are the Dominicans doing? READ MORE

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