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posted on July 30, 2007


Vicar of the Dominican Order Dies Suddenly

July 30, 2007 BOGOTA, COLOMBIA-- It is with great sadness that we report the sudden and untimely death of our brother Dominique Renouard, OP, the Vicar of the Master of the Order. He died of a sudden heart attack while attending the General Chapter in Bogotá, while he was sleeping.

On Tuesday, July 31st at 6:30 pm (Colombia time), the friars will celebrate a Eucharist in the Conventual Church of Saint Dominic in Bogotá with his body present. In a commuinique from Santa Sabina, the friars said, " We thank God for having given us in the person of Brother Dominique a remarkable brother, an exceptional friend and a model Dominican who served the Order until the last moment of his life. We commend to the Lord and to the Virgin of the Rosary the new life of our brother Dominique. MORE

May he rest in peace.

Dominican Young Adult USA Formed

COLUMBUS, OH July 30, 2007 - Close to twenty young adults gathered here at Ohio Dominican University, to discuss creating Dominican Young Adult USA. On Saturday, July 21, 2007, the group unanimously agreed that this was the time and they were ready to answer the call. READ MORE

New Dominican Academic Center Brings Possibilities

WASHINGTON, DC-- Friars at the Dominican House of Studies here are watching the construction rise out of the ground for a new Dominican Academic Center, scheduled for completion in 2008. The House of Studies has not seen any significant renovation in many decades. Featuring state-of-the-art technology and "flexible space" designed to be easily modified for future technologies, the Center will permit students, faculty and scholars to pursue their studies and research in a modern learning environment. READ MORE

Adrian Dominicans Remind Fair Attendees
to Support Katrina Victims

ADRIAN, MI-- July 30, 2007 -- “Please don’t forget us!” was the plea voiced to the Adrian Dominican Sisters from the residents of New Orleans. The 12 sisters who returned from New Orleans this spring, after surveying the needs of the New Orleans community, gave Mary Soher, OP, Dusty Farnan, OP,  and John MacNaughton  the theme for congregation’s 2007 Lenawee County Fair booth; continue to mobilize volunteers. READ MORE

Faith and Film
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter
It’s been a big summer for Harry Potter fans, with the opening of the fifth movie in the series and the publication of the seventh and final book in the series.  There are two more movies to come, and then what?  Will this be the end of Harry?  Time will tell.

The Ministry of Magic refuses to believe that Voldemort has returned.  It sends Delores Umbridge to Hogwarts to bring the school back in line with the “truth” and discredit Dumbledore and Harry.  Umbridge is every student’s worst nightmare.Tom Condon weighs in with his review of the latest installment. READ MORE

New Books by Dominican Authors

Summer time and the living is easy and a slow news time but we can report great new reading from Dominican authors. Suzanne Nofke, OP (Racine) has just published the third volume of The Letters of Catherine of Siena. which makes vailable to a large body of readers a major historical and religious document of the Middle Ages. (A fourth, and final volume, is to follow in 2008.) Soon the book will be available through most major book sources, including

Barbara Reid, OP
(Grand Rapids) has just published Taking Up the Cross: New Testament Interpretations through Latina and Feminist Eyes. Her book is available from Augsburg Fortess. Reid explores five theological "images" of the death of Jesus through conversation with the voices of women from Mexico, Bolivia, and Peru and examination of the roles of women in the New Testament accounts. The result is an illuminating combination of New Testament exegesis with a liberative constructive theology.

Thomas O’Meara, OP (St. Albert) has a new book recently published by Liturgical Press titled God in the World: A Guide to Karl Rahner’s Theology. Karl Rahner (1904-1984) was a Jesuit priest who wrote on issues that still touch every believer today. Having studied with Karl Rahner at the University of Munich, Fr. O’Meara revisits many of Rahner’s insights and theological principles that made him one of the most influential theologians of our time.

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We have received many donations from you to support Thank you for helping us keep this great resource coming to your inbox. There is only two weeks left to our appeal so if you have not done so yet, please make a contribution. Your donation will help cover our operating expenses. Help us continue to provide the latest news and information for and about the Order of Preachers.We hope to make online donations possible in the future. Make a donation today. READ MORE


Please keep our brother friars in prayer as they hold their Chapter in Bogota. Visit the chapter website here.

New Book by Australian Dominicans looks at Dominican approaches to education. MORE

Forty percent of the refugees in surrounding Middle East countries are Iraqi. A United States Commis-sion hears testimony on Christians in Iraq. MORE

US Bishops Urge More Aid for Iraqi Refugees. MORE

Find out what the Dominicans are doing at the United Nations with the NGO Briefing READ MORE

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