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posted on February 12, 2007

2007 Meeting of CODALC
Dominicans In Latin America Converge to "Preach
with a New Consciousness

LIMA, PERU – February 12, 2007.  Over 70 Dominicans representing federations and congregations from all over Latin America and the Caribbean gathered here to hold the triennial meeting of CODALC (Confederation of Dominicans in Latin America and the Caribbean).  DomLife editor Anne Lythgoe attended and addressed the group.

Every three years, CODALC delegates assemble to report on the projects they engage in and reflect on their place in the preaching mission of the Order. The meeting took place January 26-February 1st, including two days of retreat with Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, OP (Oxford) and Gabriela Zengarini, OP (Argentina).

Adrian Dominicans Host Dominican
Volunteers Midyear Retreat

ADRIAN, MI February 12, 2007--The Adrian Dominican Sisters had an opportunity to connect with their volunteer partners in mission when they hosted the Dominican Volunteers USA (DVUSA) midyear retreat on February 8-11. DVUSA is a lay mission program sponsored by 18 congregations of Dominican sisters and friars in the United States, including the Adrian Dominicans.

Sparkill Dominican Honored for Work on Addiction and Recovery        

SAN DIEGO, CA - February 12, 2007-- Dominican Sr Maurice Doody, OP,MA, CAC (Sparkill) has been awarded the prestigious Sister Ignatia Gavin Award.  The Sister Ignatia Award—which was instituted in 2006 by the National Catholic Council on Alcoholism and Related Drug Problems (NCCA)—is presented annually to a religious sister, in recognition of her outstanding dedication and commitment to the field of addiction treatment and recovery. 

International Co-Promoters of Justice and Peace Invite
Reflection on Populorum Progressio

SANTA SABINA, February 12, 2007--- International Co-Promoters of Justice and Peace, Toni Harris, OP (Sinsinawa) and Prakash Lohale, OP (Pakistan) have published a letter reflecting on the 40th anniversary of Populorum Progressio (Progress of Peoples) on (March 26,196. They invite study and celebration of this important document , drafted by our brother Louis Joseph Lebret (1897-1966). READ MORE


It's Oscar season and our film critic Tom Condon, is back in the aisle seat offering his take on
Babel, a film being compared to last year's best picture: Crash. Dominican preachers should pay attention to this one. Two Moroccan boys set out to look after their family's herd of goats, but when one of them tests his stolen rifle, the bullet finds an unintended target. In an instant, the lives of four separate groups of strangers on three different continents collide. READ MORE

FAITH and FILM: Letters from Iwo Jima

Clint Eastwood's follow-up to Flags of Our Fathers details another story from Iwo Jima, but this time, the tale is told from the Japanese side of the battle. Read Tom Condon's review of this film, which could not have been made 25 years ago. Tom said, " It’s amazing to me that Clint Eastwood, who made several films as the macho Dirty Harry, now can show us the way to loving our enemies."

Special: Weekly Lenten Prayers for Iraq
We invite you to use these prayers each week for peace in Iraq. Prepared for the Iraq Coordinating Committee by Rene Weeks, OP (Great Bend) and Ann Marie Rimmer, OP (Caldwell) READ MORE

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Sisters in Selma
Sisters of Selma to air on PBS during February's Black History Month. MORE
check local PBS listings.

Read the latest UN Briefings They appear on the DLC website. READ MORE

San Rafael Dominicans Plan 800th anniversary conversation with Timothy Radcliffe. READ MORE

Life in the Balance:
Hope in an Era of

Diarmuid O’Murchu and Heather Eaton
July 1 – July 4, 2007. READ MORE

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