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Sparkill Dominican Honored for Work on Addiction and Recovery        

SAN DIEGO, CA - February 12, 2007-- Dominican Sr Maurice Doody, OP,MA, CAC (Sparkill) has been awarded the prestigious Sister Ignatia Gavin Award.  The Sister Ignatia Award—which was instituted in 2006 by the National Catholic Council on Alcoholism and Related Drug Problems (NCCA)—is presented annually to a religious sister, in recognition of her outstanding dedication and commitment to the field of addiction treatment and recovery.  This year’s award will be presented at the joint NCCA/Guest House Winter Conference on Addictions, scheduled for January 24-26, 2007, at the Red Lion Hanalei Hotel in San Diego. 

Sister Maurice is a member of the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill, NY, and serves as a consultant to religious communities on chemical dependency. She is the former chairperson of the Board of Directors of the National Catholic Council on Alcoholism and Related Drug Problems—the first woman to hold that position. In 1975 she founded the Office of New Directions, a full-time ministry devoted to educating religious communities about alcohol, alcoholism and chemical dependency. She has directed spiritual weekends for self-help groups since 1979.

Sister Maurice is a highly esteemed lecturer, motivational speaker and retreat leader for men and women in recovery.  Her experience and humor, her affable style of presentation, her understanding of the daily struggle, and her own “living the program” make for insightful and enjoyable sharing.

Maurice Doody

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