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posted: May 29, 2006

Two Compelling Talks on Dominican Origins

Dominican Family Meets to Catch the Fire
of Dominic's Vision

PROUILHE, France May 29, 2006-- Master General, Carlos Azpiroz called a meeting of members of the Dominican Family that has led to a message to the world-wide Family. Two important talks: The Light of the Church and The Coming of the Preachers are included in this report. A first hand reflection on the meeting is an added bonus. READ MORE

Houston Dominican Named Peacemaker of the Year

HOUSTON, TX May 29, 2006-- Houston Dominican Jane Abell, OP was named “Peacemaker of the Year” by Pax Christi-Texas during the organization’s annual retreat in Houston, May 20. An advocate for peace and justice for many years, Jane participated with other Dominicans in a month-long fast for peace in Iraq in September, 2002. READ MORE

An Inconvenient Truth

May 29, 2006 --A new and provocative film opened over the weekend. An Inconvenient Truth, offers a passionate and inspirational look at the crusade to halt global warming's deadly progress in its tracks by exposing the myths and misconceptions that surround it. Watch the film trailer.

United Nations Calls on US to Close Guantanamo Prison

GENEVA, May 29, 2006--Inspite of the fact that the United States ratified the UN Convention against Torture and is therefore obligated to take effective [measures] to prevent acts of torture in any territory under its jurisdiction, the United States continues to hold prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba without due process of law. The UN has called on the Bush Administration to close the prison.READ MORE

Kentucky Dominicans present Catherine of Siena Award

BARDSTOWN, KY - May 29, 2006 -- The Dominican Sisters of St. Catharine, Kentucky, presented the 2006 Catharine of Siena Award to Janice S. Vanderhaar of Memphis, TN. READ MORE

UPDATE: St. Martin Province Completes Election

SAN ANTONIO, TX, May 31, 2006 -- St. Martin Province concluded their Chapter and completed election of leadership. Two councilors were added to the leadership of the province: Dick Patrick, OP, 1st Councillor and Jorge Presmanes, OP, 2nd Councillor. Earlier, Friar Marty Gleeson, OP was elected Prior Provincial. The following friars were elected to the Diffinitorium: fr. Mark Wedig, OP, first diffinitor, fr. Wilmo Candanedo, OP, second diffinitor. fr. Michael O’Rourke, OP, third diffinitor. fr. Chris Eggleton, OP, fourth diffinitor. Friar Emiliano Zapata has agreed to accept an appointment to Socius of the Provincial.


Editor's Note: Thank you for all your email notes of support and encouragement with our new version of Dominican Life | USA. You have offered some helpful suggestions and some of you have helped us to to notice typos and missing information. This gives us the opportunity to make the site better and more useful to you. We are happy to hear from you.

If you notice anything that needs attention we are happy for the opportunity to fix, amend, edit, add, delete, modify, correct... you get the picuture. May the preaching reach far and wide. Anne Lythgoe, OP

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Justice Alert
Dominicans at the United Nations:
New York

In Brief:

Dominican Days at Catholic Coalition On Preaching meeting expects large attendance. MORE

Program to honor memory of social justice activist Marjorie Tuite, OP

Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology: Can You Tell Me What a Parish Is?

Laura Bush speaks for millions: let her know what you think. Religious Order Partnership Alert.

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