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Dominican Call-In Day on Iraq

May 29, 2006 -- In remembering this Memorial Day the many lives lost in war, we are reminded of our commitment as Dominicans to peace in Iraq.

On Thursday, June 1 call your Members of Congress to thank them for calling for an end to US bases in Iraq and ask them to take the next step for peace in Iraq by having Congress enact new legislation that:

• states that U.S. policy is to remove all U.S. military troops and bases from Iraq;
• outlines a plan to bring U.S. forces home before the end of this administration; and
• provides resources for reconstruction through appropriate multinational, national and Iraqi agencies.

Ask to talk with the legislative aide involved with Iraq. If you get his/her voice mail, leave the message you want to say.

Suggested Script:

Hi, I am _____________________, a Dominican Sr/Friar/Associate. I am very grateful that the House/Senate expressed their opposition to having permanent US military bases in Iraq. I ask that Senator/ Rep.____________________ take the next step for peace in Iraq by supporting legislation that will
• state that U.S. policy is to remove all U.S. military troops and bases from Iraq;
• outline a plan to bring U.S. forces home before the end of this administration; and
• provide resources for reconstruction through appropriate multinational, national and Iraqi agencies.
Please let me know the Senators/Rep. position on these points. You can send this to me at: Address.

Thank you

Iraq Coordinating Committee is a collaborative effort of the North American Justice Promoters and the Dominican Leadership Conference.

Please call you members of Congress on Thursday, June 1st. Ask them to take the next step for peace in Iraq.


The U.S. Congress is now on record opposing permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq. (FCNL) On May 5th the Senate formally agreed

Now we need to help Congress take the next step to change the national debate from “How does the U.S. win the war and then leave?” to “How can the U.S. military withdrawal win peace, open the way for reconstruction and for greater stability for Iraqis?”

Events in Iraq and changing public views of the war at home are creating new opportunities to change. Members of Congress may consider new directions for U.S. policy on Iraq. Let’s put some pressure on them to get going!

Capital Switchboard number: 202-224-3121

Source: Friends Committee on National Legislation


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