H.R. 4437: A Senseless Approach to Immigration
Jesuit Conference of the United States urging
broader legislation
WASHINGTON, December 12, 2005 – On Wednesday,
the House of Representatives is expected to debate “The
Border and Immigration Enforcement Act of 2005.” Americans
who favor comprehensive immigration reform that will better secure
both our borders and basic human rights must act now and demand
Congress fix the senseless solutions of H.R. 4437.
We have tried to find justice merely through enforcement.
During the last ten years, the United States spent $25 billion
and tripled the number of border patrol agents to address a growing
immigration crisis. With the current situation worsening, no one
tries to argue that the previous effort was successful. However,
H.R. 4437 is saying to America we just need more of the same failed
Justice can only be measured by the dignity afforded
every man, woman and child, by the safeguards we as a society
place on that dignity and by the economic opportunities we offer
each family within our borders. The conscience of America –
a nation built by dispersed peoples from around the world seeking
a second chance – calls for a compassionate response, an
alternative that protects workers from abuse and employers from
sudden, drastic labor shortages.
Through criminalization, provisions to strip citizenship
and restricting rights to judicial review, H.R. 4437 abandons
compassion. By expanding the definition of smuggling to include
anyone who aids or transports an undocumented immigrant, the legislation
also asks Americans to ignore the humanitarian call of the Good
Samaritan. It outlaws the very act of driving to the hospital
with a man who may have been injured while laboring to keep fresh
vegetables in our stores.
Were the United States to adopt the comprehensive
reform advocated by the Catholic Campaign for Immigration Reform,
we could better protect our country. Earned legalization is a
practical response to the serious adverse effect of eliminating
11 million laborers from the U.S. economy, nearly five percent
of the workforce, without any means of replacement. Inviting people
out of the shadows of American life relieves our enforcement agencies
of the burden of tracking millions of individuals and enables
them to better focus on tracking down the small percentage of
those entering America intent on smuggling people, drugs or weapons.
We welcome a continued discussion rooted in dignity
and human rights and join with all who cherish humanity in calling
for practical and comprehensive immigration reform that secures
our borders and extends hope to those most in need. For the Society
of Jesus, His words ring ever true, “As long as you did
this for one of the least of my brothers or sisters, you did it
for me.”
January 2, 2006
A perspective worth reading from the US Jesuits
on Immigration.
Shared by
Brian J. Pierce, OP
Promotor de Familia Dominicana
en América Latina y el Caribe