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Books by Richard Woods, OP  

Christian SpiritualityChristian Spirituality: God's Presence Through the Ages
by Richard Woods, OP

A comprehensive survey of Christian spirituality.

ISBN: 9781570756443


Epiphanius TigheEpiphanius Tighe and the Dragon of East South Water Street
by Richard Woods, OP

Epiphanius Tighe, the intrepid draconic taxonomist from A DIVERSITY OF DRAGONS, is on the trail again, hotly pursuing a Libyan specimen hell-bent on revenge in Chicago after the theft of its trove. Eppy is quickly drawn into a dangerous web of crime, graft, and deadly violence as he tracks the dragon into the abandoned freight tunnels under the Windy City, aided by his great grand-nephew Ciaran Tighe, a Jewish detective named Rasa Rapetsky, and Brennan Kirwan, a skeptical police investigator. Caught in the crossfire between police thugs, a mad professor, and the ire of a fire-breathing dragon, can Eppy save both the dragon and his new friends before disaster strikes?

ISBN-10: 0595130593

ISBN-13: 9780595130597


Spirituality of the Celtic SaintsThe Spirituality of the Celtic Saints
by Richard Woods, OP

The inspired wisdom of the saints and scholar who made the Celtic lands a lamp of learning and holiness.

ISBN 13: 9781570753169

ISBN: 1570753164


Since the time of St Dominic, more than 800 years ago, Dominicans have been living and sharing the message of the Gospel. Today thousands of sisters, nuns, priests, brothers, associates, and laity serve in more than 100 countries around the globe.
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