Communion: The Place and Meaning of Suffering in the Theology of
Edward Schillebeeckx
Kathleen McManus,
The reality of suffering is the greatest challenge to faith in the
goodness of creation and the possibility of salvation. Edward Schillebeeckx
not only takes this into account, but dialectically incorporates
the reality of suffering into a theology generally defined by its
focus on the interrelated themes of creation, salvation, and eschatological
hope. In Unbroken Communion, Kathleen Anne McManus, O.P., traces
the origins of Schillebeeckx's thought, its development, and its
consequences. Schillebeeckx grounds his
entire theological project in the promise of a divine/human future
made visible in creation and entrusted to human freedom. Because
suffering is so tangibly present in human experience, it provides
the means, dialectically, of imaging the horizon of our hope.
It is thus that Schillebeeckx turns suffering into hope.
208 pages
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. (April 2003)
ISBN: 074251403X Kathleen
Anne McManus, OP is assistant professor of theology at the University
of Portland.