Speaking of Christmas: Plays for Readers Theater
by Matthew Powell, OP
If you want to celebrate the birth of the Savior by participating in a Christmas play but have a limited budget and want to avoid long rehearsals, you'll want to have this fascinating collection of 12 short plays in readers' theater format. Whether you're a novice or have plenty of experience, you'll find these scripts, varying from humorous to deeply religious and ranging from 5-20 minutes in length, to be easy to stage yet packed with meaning. Suitable for worship services, prayer groups, religious education classes, retreats, or for entertainment at parish social functions, these flexible dramas can be staged in a sanctuary, classroom, lounge, or any large space, and require no scenery, costumes, or special lighting. Brief background essays on the Christmas play and on readers' theater are also included, along with a list of other helpful resources. |
ISBN-13: 9780788023330
