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Books by Mary Paynter, OP  

Phoenix From the FirePhoenix from the Fire: A History of Edgewood College
by Mary Paynter, OP

The history of Edgewood reflects the fabled story of the phoenix who rises from its own fiery death to new life. Over a long history, Edgewood has been "re-born" many times. This book traces the course of those fiery trials and re-births, from the 19th century to the 21st. It is a colorful story of events and people, from the time of Wisconsin Governor Cadwallader Washburn and his gift of the property to the Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters to the present.

ISBN-10: 0971810605

ISBN-13: 9780971810600



Since the time of St Dominic, more than 800 years ago, Dominicans have been living and sharing the message of the Gospel. Today thousands of sisters, nuns, priests, brothers, associates, and laity serve in more than 100 countries around the globe.
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