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Books by Margaret Galiardi, OP  

Margaret Galiardi Encountering Mystery in the Wilderness: One Woman's Vision Quests
by Margaret Galiardi, OP

(Issue No.4; April 2004) Margaret Galiardi, OP, takes the reader to Death Valley with her, as she recounts an extraordinary experience of “going into the desert to fast and pray” that reawakened her childhood memories of being at home in the natural world and ignited a spiritual hunger to feel at home on Earth, once again. In Encountering Mystery in the Wilderness: One Woman’s Vision Quest Margaret writes: “While it was deeply enriching for me to live outdoors for an extended period of time, that kind of intensive exposure to the natural world is neither necessary nor always possible. What does seem indispensable to me, however, is that we create spiritual practices that will help us regain a sense of intimacy with the natural world and that will awaken in us its revelation of the Divine.” She adds, “Religious experience in these opening years of the twenty-first century simply must be seen as inclusive of the natural world if we are to preserve our Earth-Mother from destruction.”







Galiardi WaterWhere the Pure Water Flows:
The New Story of the Universe and Christian Faith
by Margaret Galiardi, OP

Never losing sight of this critical moment, when we are living in the midst of a human-induced extinction, Margaret Galiardi, OP accompanies believers as they grapple with what science is now telling us about our common origin story, Christian faith, and the future of life. Replete with the hard questions that arise from earlier understandings of the Christian tradition, this book invites the reader to embrace a worldview that is at home with both the best of what science has to offer and an understanding of Christianity appropriate for the 21st century. Poetry and personal reflection experiences also help guide the reader to the urgency of adopting an ethic of protecting the self-revelation of God which is Earth. Margaret Ormond, OP, former coordinator of Dominican Sisters International, calls this book, “A must-read for all of us who endeavor to be faithful to our calling at this moment in history.”
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