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Books by Loretta Dornisch, OP  

DornischFeminishmFeminism and Beyond: A Theological Reflection for the Next Aeon
by Loretta Dornisch, OP

Feminism and Beyond: a Theological Reflection for the Next Aeon addresses global dimensions with stress on the experience and perspective of the poor. In the context of Third World and contextual theologies, interreligious dialogue, spirituality, and contemporary social concerns, the book provides access and review of selected feminist and world views. Examples are concrete, educational, and provocative. After asking, "What is theological reflection?" the study provides a dialectic of feminism with Greek, Roman, and Hebrew classical models. Then feminism is placed in dialogue with several varieties of Christianity. In addition, questions are addressed to possible interactions of feminism with several non-Christian world views, and lastly, with possibilities for community and communication.




LorettaDornischPoetryA Woman Writes Poetry
by Loretta Dornisch, OP

Why does a woman write poetry?  Evidently there are things she cannot express any other way.  There is a creativity that forces its way out, that gives release, that makes something new upon the earth.  The poetic act, the act of making something new, is ontological.  It gives being to that which did not exist before.

These poems are a collection of such moments.  They capture pain, joy, pleasure, relationships.  Although poetry stands on its own, each reader brings her own experiences to interpret it.  In that way, the poem and its moments, original and renewed, provide a text for reading a woman's life.  In these texts others may also read the universals of their life experience.


Since the time of St Dominic, more than 800 years ago, Dominicans have been living and sharing the message of the Gospel. Today thousands of sisters, nuns, priests, brothers, associates, and laity serve in more than 100 countries around the globe.
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