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OP Sources Edgewood College


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Resources and materials to help you celebrate the 800th Anniversary of the foundation of the Dominicans. More will be added from time to time so visit again.

800th Jubilee Years Continue toward 2016 Anniversary

800thSANTA SABINA-- In celebration of our ongoing Jubilee pilgrimage, which will culminate in 2016 with the 800th anniversary of the confirmation of the Order, the 2009 theme is: “In the beginning was the Word: Dominic, Preacher of Grace.” Recall, that each year from 2006 to 2016 we are invited to reflect on a theme of Dominican Life and Mission. READ MORE

Papers and Books

The Coming of the Preachers

by Barbara Beaumond OP

(Open as Word document here)

A new look at the early foundational days of the movement begun by Dominic.
(Download here)
Presented at a meeting of the International Commissions of the Dominican Order, Prouilhe, France, April, 2006 celebrating the coming 800th anniversary of the foundations of the Order.

Light for the Church
by Liam G. Walsh, OP

(Open as a Word document here)

A daring and insighful examination of the Ecclesiology of Dominic
(Download here)
Presented at a meeting of the International Commissions of the Dominican Order, Prouilhe, France, April, 2006 celebrating the coming 800th anniversary of the foundations of the Order.

Sainte-Marie deProuilhe, 1206-2006,
800 years of Dominican History
a new publication on the early days of the Dominicans
Available through Parable Conference. Click here to order.

800 Years Later: Together at the Family Table

As part of the celebration of our 800th anniversary, IDI published an excellent reflection by Brian Pierce on being Dominican and Family. Thanksgiving and Advent is a perfect time to reflect on his words. (PDF) Open here.

Things to know:

This is a ten year anniverary celebration that will conclude with a celebration in 2016, marking the 800th anniverary of the promulgation of the Order by the Holy Father in 1216.

Letter from the Master General

Proulle Monastery Restoration Project

Prouille Celebraton and Logo

From 1206-2006: Dominican Nuns

Message to the Dominican Family from the International Commissions

Need a logo or a gift for the 800th? click here