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protect the innocent

Amityville Dominicans Give Sanctuary and Support to Trafficking Victims

AMITYVILLE, NY --- June 9, 2008 -- A call comes in from Charities, “We found some people in deplorable condition. Can you extend hospitality?” First, one group from South America, the next ones come from Asia. These folks are so beaten down and frail, just longing for a safe space. The door opens and they enter as have refugees, orphans and homeless over the years. God has given us much to share. And in return God opens our eyes to the wider needs.  God opens our minds to tales of unspeakable horror of inhumanity to the vulnerable.

The sisters at the Motherhouse embrace the pain of these special guests. Many sisters come to spend nights, meals, weekends of accompaniment. We hold this all in our hearts as we strive to keep these brothers and sisters safe from harm, from the prying eyes of the media and those who would demean their stories.

After our latest sanctuary victims, our justice and peace committee made available extra material and videos to show the congregation the expanse of this problem. Many times we come to face justice issues from exposure to the written word or to visages from the media. Then, maybe we experience persons first hand who have lived the pain. In this case the congregation came face to face with flesh and blood brothers and sisters in great difficulty. To embrace this cause and to voice a corporate stance was not difficult.
The vote was taken and our commitment to share our first hand experience with all we meet in and through ministry was made.

“There can be no question about our response to such issues.  The gospel compels us to open our doors, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and protect the innocent.  Such responses are an integral component of our preaching.” Mary Hughes OP, Prioress


We, the Dominican Sisters and Associates of the Congregation of the Holy Cross of Amityville, New York, hereby state our objection to and condemnation of all trafficking of persons for the purpose of sexual exploitation and/or any coerced commercial or other activity.  We condemn the actions of those who promote all activities which violate fundamental human rights and Federal and State laws which prohibit such trafficking.     

The Sisters and Associates will continue to be part of efforts to give voice to the voiceless, hope to the hopeless and comfort to those whose lives are affected by societal ills.

Margaret Briody, OP (Amityville)
Director of Communications


Stop Trafficking

Rescue and Restore Campaign

National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence

One World/US

Polaris Project

S.A.G.E. Project-Standing Against Global Exploitation

Visit the website of the Amityville Dominicans.


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