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First Regional Meeting of Voices of Hope Held in Northeast

OSSINING, NY -- On April 28th at Mariandale Retreat Center, the Northeast Six Dominican Associates Voices of Hope held its first regional meeting the day before
the feast of St. Catherine of Siena.  The theme for the day was Standing on Two Feet: Contemplative and Active in a Sacred Dance.  Peggy McHale, an associate of the Dominican Sisters of Hope and Anita Davidson, Coordinator of Associates for the Dominican Sisters of Akron and Columbus were the guest speakers.

The day opened with a prayer service honoring St. Catherine of Siena with symbols of her life and mission carried in by members of the six communities (Amityville, Blauvelt, Caldwell, Elkins Park, Hope  and Sparkill).  Excerpts were read from Catherine’s Dialogues.

Peggy McHale, an attorney whose specialty is state environmental legislation used the readings from Catherine’s life to begin her presentation on “Cast Your Nets off the Other Side of the Boat”.  Like Catherine, who left her contemplative life and went out into the real world to serve her country and church, attendees were encouraged to look at the earth and the misuse of our resources.  We were asked to spend time in quiet reflection on issues of contemplation, community and confrontation and how we could become more responsible for the preservation of our natural resources and the earth as a whole.  Peggy brought three young pin oaks with her from Maryland and drew three names at the end of her presentation.  These three women were given the oaks with the mandate to care and nurture them, as we were all urged to do so in our own lives. 

Anita Davidson is currently a member of the Convocation Steering Committee which is planning  the national convocation of the Federation of Dominican Sisters, USA and Voices of Hope to be held in Chicago in April 2008.  Anita explained that this will be the 3rd Convocation of the Federation of Dominican Sisters, USA and the 5th National Voices of Hope.  These two gatherings will now be combined as one and will meet together every 3 years.  The theme for the upcoming Convocation is “Fire the Vision” whose symbol for all future communications was created by an associate.  Anita encouraged all to plan on attending this meeting in April 2008.

Federation Voices of Hope


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