Meet the Co-Directors

Sister Lorraine Reaume, OP
Dominican Sisters of Adrian

I am a Dominican Sister of Adrian, originally from Toronto, Canada. I am happy to be starting my fourth year with the CDN and to be able to minister on behalf of the many Dominican Congregations that make up the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate. My own CDN experience in 1998-1999 grounded me in the Dominican Family and gave me a solid identity as a Dominican. I am grateful to be able to walk with women on that same journey.

My undergraduate degrees are a BA in English and Psychology (University of Waterloo) and a B.Ed. (Lakehead University). I also have an MDiv and an MA in Theology from Catholic Theological Union. I have a certificate in Spiritual Direction, have completed the Collaborative Leadership Development Program, and have also done the ForMission program offered by the Religious Formation Conference.

Before religious life, I was a teacher and then a Lay Missionary in Bolivia. I also co-coordinated the Lay Mission Program for Scarboro Missions for four years. In religious life, I have served as a Campus Minister at Siena Heights University, as a Pastoral Associate with a focus on Hispanic Ministry in both Anchorage, AK, and Detroit, MI, and as Formation Director. I love to walk with others as they discern and discover how God is calling them to life and particularly appreciate the opportunity to share life with people of many places and cultures.

Favorite quote, “All shall be well…for there is a force of love moving through the universe that holds us fast and will never let us go.” Julian of Norwich

Sister Cathy Arnold, OP
Dominican Sisters of Peace

As we begin another year at the CDN, I feel grateful to live in a community with women from different cultures, diverse backgrounds, and many gifts.  I am also hopeful that with proper precautions to prevent getting or spreading the corona virus, the novices have opportunities to experience more in-person meetings with members of our Dominican family and in our religious life circles.  I participated in the CDN as a novice from 2000 to 2001 and have many wonderful and, yes, some challenging memories, which helped me to grow more deeply into Dominican life, especially in relationship building and working on social justice issues.

My educational background includes a BS in chemistry from Marietta College, an MA in theological studies from the University of Dayton, and completion of the Religious Formation Conference ForMission program. My final project ForMission involved developing and leading an Intercultural Living mini-workshop with our Sisters and Associates. Since then I have also completed the Collaborative Leadership Development Program sponsored by LCWR.  In the past, I participated in a Peace Ambassador Training program and helped coordinate a Leadership for Peace program for college age students.  I have ministered in special education, high school education, and from 2007 to 2018, I served as a vocation minister and then as Coordinator of Formation for the Dominican Sisters of Peace. Walking with women in formation is a gift, a privilege, and a sacred task as they and we discern how the Spirit is working in the discernment of becoming Dominican. For fun, I enjoy baking bread (learning how to make it gluten free now!), walking, reading, biking, gardening, and sharing time with Dominican Sisters, friends and family.