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Dare to SaWe Dare to Say
Praying for Justice and Peace
edited by Sylvia Skrepichuk and Michel Cote

Created at the request of the National Council of the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace.

We Dare to Say is a collection of prayers that can inspire, move and empower Christian social activists as well as many others seeking to incarnate their faith in some form of commitment. There prayers are mostly from ecumentcal Christiian sources but also borrow from a range of spiritualities.

Profits from sales will go towards the tranformative actions of the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace, based in Montreal and KAIROS, Canadian Ecumentical Justice Intiations.

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Novalis Publishers
Release Date 7/5/2007
ISBN Number 289507920X

Since the time of St Dominic, more than 800 years ago, Dominicans have been living and sharing the message of the Gospel. Today thousands of sisters, nuns, priests, brothers, associates, and laity serve in more than 100 countries around the globe.
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