Sinsinawa Dominicans
In June, the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa, Wisconsin will celebrate their arts heritage with a visual arts exhibit, opening June 2, and a June 12 concert featuring the Matisse Trio. The sixth annual Sinsinawa Dominican Heritage Exhibit, “A Sacred Point of View,” will feature a collection of new prints by Sister Rose Marie Conway, OP, entitled “A View from My Window.” Two new copper repousse panels by Sister Chiara Pauloni, OP, and other works from the Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters’ heritage collection also will be displayed. The heritage show opens June 2 and runs through Aug. 8 at Sinsinawa Mound, Sinsinawa, Wisconsin. A June 12 concert featuring the Matisse Trio will honor all the Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters who have served the congregation, the people of God, and the Church through their gift of music as teachers, conductors, liturgists, composers, musicians, and singers. Sisters Genevieve Pinion, OP, and Mariel Bronson, OP, will be acknowledged for their lifelong contributions. The free concert is at 2 p.m. The Matisse Trio is composed of members of the music faculty of the University of Iowa and Northwestern University—James Giles on piano, Anthony Arnone on cello, and Katie Wolfe on violin. They will perform the music of Beethoven and Arensky. You can learn more about the art and music heritage of the Sinsinawa Dominicans by touring the new heritage exhibit, “Telling Our Story,” open daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Sinsinawa Book & Gift Gallery will be open from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Sunday, June 12. For more information, contact Sister Priscilla Wood at (608) 748-4411, ext. 473 or visit www.sinsinawa.org. Sinsinawa Mound, the motherhouse for the Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters, is located in southwest Wisconsin on County Road Z, off Highway 11, about five miles northeast of Dubuque. |