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November 13, 2009

Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies
Cathedrals, Mosques and the Mountain of the Lord

mosqueCAIRO, Egypt -- As I sit in a small tea house, an elderly man approaches. He does not speak English, but signals for me to remove my shoes. Knowing it is the custom in the region to do so in many buildings, I take them off and place them next to my table...The man walks off with my shoes... READ MORE

Political Instability
Dominicans Voice Support to Family in Honduras

November 13, 2009-- In two separate letters, Dominicans in Brazil and the International Justice Promoters have voiced their support and expressed their solidarity with the people of Honduras and Dominicans there. A coup in September has sent the country into turmoil and uncertainty. READ MORE

500th Anniversary of Dominicans in the Americas
What will we preach? How will we live?

November 13, 2009 -- Next year, 2010, will mark the 500th anniversary of the arrival of the Dominicans, Order of Preachers, in the Americas. Dominicans in many quarters are beginning to explore how we might celebrate this anniversary and view it as a time of reflection on the role of the Order of Preachers in the 21st Century.

Those In Crisis Find Sister Marie At Their Side

ATLANTANovember 12, 2009 --If you want to know anything about Dominican Sister Marie Sullivan (Sinsinawa) know this: On the afternoon civic leaders lauded her, she spent the morning with people who are homeless, linking them with employment, food and medical programs to help lift them up. READ MORE


A Serious ManThe latest offering from the quirky Coen brothers, who brought us Fargo and No Country for Old Men, offer a new story that asks ancient questions of faith and doubt. Something our film critic Tom Condon would love to see in a contemporary film. What's the verdict? Read Tom's review. READ MORE

Sharing the Dominican Charism: A Hidden Treasure

charism pamphletAlthough these pamphlets have been available for some time, the
Dominican Charism Series has been a hidden treasure... but not for long. For anyone looking for some useful tools for teaching Dominican Charism, look no further. Great writing and easy to use pamphlets in four separate series. READ MORE

Dominican Cross and Polo Shirt Still Available

OP Cross"I love it!" said one sister as she placed another order for the Dominican cross being offered by the DLC Offices. The cross featured to the left has become a very popular new expression of Dominican charism. They are still available, along with a black polo shirt with a Dominican emblem in white.

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