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October 30, 2009

November 3rd
Saint Martin de Porres, Patron of Social Justice

Martin dePorresThe feast of St. Martin de Porres, Patron of Social Justice, is November 3. The International Dominican Commission for Justice and Peace encourages the Dominican Family to celebrate this observance with study and prayer related to the injustices in our world today. Here is a prayer service you can use.

Central Province Lay Dominicans Meet

Central Province lgoo
PLYMOUTH, MI - October 30, 2009 -- The Lay Dominicans of the St. Albert the Great (Central) Province held their annual Provincial Council meeting October 22 -25, 2009.  Delegates from the lay chapters of the province met at St. John's Conference Center in Plymouth, MI, to pray together, conduct the business of the province's laity and socialize. READ MORE

Dominican Sisters Honored by Mount Saint Mary College

NEWBURGH, NY-- October 30, 2009 -- As part of its 50th anniversary celebration, Mount Saint Mary College honored the Sisters of Saint Dominic who founded the college. The event took place during the convocation on Thursday, October 29th. New York Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan was the keynote speaker.
READ MORE Annual Appeal In Full Swing

LAGRANGE PARK, IL -- Our annual appeal for support is now in full swing. Don't forget to make your donation. Your financial support of Dominican Life | USA helps defray the cost of maintaining this site, which reaches thousands of Dominicans here and around the world. Use the safe and convenient links on the right sidebar. To learn more about our mission, READ MORE.

1510-2010: Dominican Mission in the Americas
Dominican Colleges Colloquium Calls for Papers

college colloquiumOctober 30, 2009-- The Dominican Colleges Colloquium has announced a call for papers for presentation at its June 17-20, 2010 conference. Focusing on the 500th anniversary of the arrival of the Dominican friars in the Americas in 2010, the conference will explore a variety of questions around our heritage and tradition, the alleviation of injustice and Dominican values. MORE

New Store to Feature and Support Work of West Province Friars

St Paul CornerANCHORAGE, ALASKA, October 27, 2009 – In early 2010 when St. Paul’s Corner officially opens its doors for business, it will be the only Catholic retail store linked to a Dominican-run parish in the Western Dominican Province. Friars from the Western Dominican Province have served at Holy Family Cathedral in Anchorage, Alaska since 1974.

Faith and Film: The Informant!

Tom Condon, OP (St. Martin) our faithful film critic takes a look at The Informant! and asks: "Is it to be taken seriously, or is it a satire?" A quirky, serious, funny movie starring Matt Damon. Find out what Tom really thinks about it. READ MORE

OP CrossDominican Cross and Polo Shirt Popular

We have filled many orders for the beautiful Dominican Cross and the polo shirt that are available. A new shipment has just arrived, so if you have not ordered yours yet, you can now.

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International Justice and Peace web site launches new version. HERE

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