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April 3, 2009

May this Holy Week and the entire Easter Season offer a New Spring to the Dominican Family. Happy Easter, Everyone!

The lamentation is a traditional Holy Week prayer. This lament describes the mourning of a nation and a people, and from this, darkness shines in the rays of trust and hope in God.  Focusing on the current losses of Iraq, we join our brothers and sisters in a prayer for healing and restoration during this Holy Week, 2009.  READ MORE

International Commission on Justice and Peace

Dominicans Reaffirm Priorities at International Justice Meeting

SANTA SABINA -- April 3, 2009--More than 40 years ago, the phrase “justice and peace” was born into the language of the Social Teaching of the Church. In Guadium et Spes, the Church recognized the existence of sinful structures in society and called for the creation of structures to respond.  In 1967, Paul VI established one such structure: the Pontifical Council for “Justice and Peace.”  READ MORE

Approves Corporate Stance on Nuclear Disarmament
Dominican Sisters USA Holds Representatives Meeting

Federation MeetingADRIAN, MI – April 3, 2009 -- The Federation of Dominican Sisters USA held its Annual Federation Representatives Meeting the weekend of March 20th. Keynote speaker Donna Markham, OP (Adrian) asked: “What does Dominican Life call us to?  What impact do we make in the world? What gets in the way of taking radical steps?”  READ MORE

Common Novitiate House Available for Ten-Month Alternative Use

CDN buildingST. LOUIS, MO – April 3, 2009 --  The members of the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate Board recently announced that it will suspend the operation of the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate (CDN) for the year August, 2009 through May, 2010.  With only one woman ready for the canonical year, it is neither feasible nor advisable to run the program this coming year. READ MORE

Grand Rapids Dominican Receives Healthy Community Award

DETROIT, MI April 3, 2009 -- On Saturday, February 28, Grand Rapids Dominican Phyllis Klonowski received the prestigious Bowl of Hygeia Award for the state of Michigan at the 2009 Michigan Pharmacists Association’s (MPA) Annual Convention & Exposition in Dearborn.READ MORE

Maryknoll in the Congo
Non-violent Peacemaking in the Congo

CONGO- April 3, 2009 -- In December 2008, Maryknoll Sister Rosemarie Milazzo joined three other members of the Christian Peacemaking Team (CPT) for three months of nonviolent peacmaking work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Here is her report.READ MORE

Congregational Chapters Hold Future Promise

Several Dominican congregations are holding General Chapters and Elections during Easter Week. Please keep their members in prayer.

The Dominican Sisters of Hope will be holding their Fourth General Chapter from April 14-19, 2009.
The founding event and first General Chapter of the Dominican Sisters of Peace will be held in St. Louis, April 13-21, 2009
The Dominican Sisters of Springfield will hold a General Chapter of Election
April 14-16, 2009

Saint of
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for more

Of the

Here is a PDF version of a Holy Week reflection you might find helpful.
Liliana’s Story:
A Reflection
on the Trafficking
of Human Persons.

Sinsinawa Retreat

The results are coming in. 2009 April Gift Giveaway is here, check out the recipients of our fund raising project. READ MORE

New Programs have been added to the Coming Events page. READ MORE