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posted on January 22, 2007

Blauvelt Dominican Partners with Homeless Man

NEW YORK -- In a city of lights, Johnny Five lives in the dark. He calls his home a cave, but it is really a kind of dungeon, deep in the crevices below an abandoned train station in the Bronx.

He slips inside at the edge of a cliff not far from Yankee Stadium. As he crouches along a narrow passageway of concrete slabs and steel beams, farther and farther into the subterranean belly of a station platform, the sounds of the city fade. Sunlight and moonlight vanish. READ MORE

Hope Dominican Named "Hero" for Being Part of the Solution

NYC January 8, 2007 --Mary Alice Hannan, OP (Hope), Executive Director of POTS, (Part of the Solution) was one of three organizations presented with a 2006 Heroes award -- a grant of $50,000. Robin Hood, one of the city's leading poverty-fighting organizations, held the 17th annual Heroes Award Breakfast honoring four New Yorkers for their dedication and commitment to improving the community and transforming the lives of under-privileged New Yorkers. READ MORE

New North American Co-Promoter of Justice Named

January 8, 2007-- Chuck Dahm, OP (St. Albert) has recently been named the new North American Co-Promoter of Justice, Peace and Care of Creation. In making the announcement, Dusty Farnan, OP (Adrian) Co-Promoter of Justice and Philippe LeBlanc, OP (Canada) outgoing Co-Promoter said, "We are delighted to welcome him and we are grateful that Chuck accepted to serve in this capacity." READ MORE

Preaching Commission Set to Meet; Calls for Recommendations

SANTA SABINA, Rome January 8, 2007—The newly formed International Preaching Commission of the Order will be meeting February 11-14, 2007 in Santa Sabina. Dominicans around the world are welcome to submit recommendations and suggestions. READ MORE

Three US Dominicans Named
Internet Commission Formed to Connect
International Dominican Order

SANTA SABINA – January 8, 2007-- A new International Commission has been formed to coordinate and promote Dominican uses of information technology in the service of our mission. editor, Anne Lythgoe, OP is among those named. According to Scott Steinkerchner, OP,(St. Albert) Promoter of the Internet, “We will look at how technology can improve our communication among ourselves as well as how it might be employed more effectively in our apostolates.” READ MORE

Sexual Abuse as Youth Leads Dominican to Counsel

NISKAYUNA, N.Y. (CNS) – She knew something was wrong when she started to hyperventilate. It was 1986, and Dominican Sister Carol Davis, who had a flourishing ministry in counseling and leading retreats, had been thinking about contacting her biological father.Her parents were long divorced, and she had a different last name from her biological father's. But every time she thought about looking him up, she felt terrified and faint. READ MORE

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Justice Alert


Dominican Call to Justice issues have been
outlined in newly renovated pages of Some pages feature daily news updates. READ MORE

A word of thanks to Philippe LeBlanc, OP

Ashley Gonzalez celebrated her Rite of Entrance into Candidacy with the Adrian Dominican Sisters. READ MORE

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