Adrian Dominicans In the United States, the land of immigrants, immigration reform is a complex issue. To help address this vital issue, the Justice Promoters of the Adrian Dominican Sisters, under the auspices of the congregation’s Office of Global Mission Justice and Peace, have released a 48-page study and prayer booklet, “Immigration: An Initiative for Our Times.” The booklet includes personal stories of immigrants and those who have ministered to them; reflection questions; a process for social analysis; information on the history and myths of immigration, the human and economic implications, and ways that immigrants can become legal residents; Scripture readings; theological reflections; group rituals and prayers; resources; and discernment for action. “Immigration: An Initiative for Our Times” was designed to help participants—whether individuals or groups—to apply the Pastoral Circle to the issue of immigration. “By personally and communally engaging in the Pastoral Circle, [participants] will have the opportunity to act for just immigration reform from a position that has taken into account the experiential impact of our current immigration policy, social analysis of the issue, and theological reflection,” the authors state. The congregation’s Justice Promoters are Adrian Dominican Sisters Judy Byron, Mary Pat Dewey, Janice Holkup, Jean Hughes, Evelyn Piche, Margaret Ann Reardon, Corinne Sanders, and Jean Tobin; Associate Deborah Regal-Coller; and Christopher Matthias, program coordinator of the Office of Global Mission Justice and Peace. “Immigration: An Initiative for Our Times” was produced with support from the Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center, Seattle, Washington. Copies of the booklet can be ordered through justiceandpeace@adriandominicans.org.