International Day of Peace
The Spirituality Committee of the Tacoma Dominican Community sponsors a fall and spring event around peace and justice issues. Invitations are sent out to the wider faith communities—Ecumenical and Interfaith—to join us for these events.The Sept. 18 event focused on peace and reconciliation. Following the opening ritual, Patty Morisset, OP presented a process on forgiveness and reconciliation. In her presentation, she outlined the necessary steps to be taken before individuals or communities can authentically forgive or be reconciled. Her presentation also addressed the similarities and differences in approaching personal and/or communal forgiveness and reconciliation. Last August an interfaith delegation from the Puget Sound area led by Bill Bichsel, SJ traveled to Japan and visited Nagasaki and Hiroshima and participated in the remembrance of the United States dropping the atomic bomb. They carried with them signed petitions asking for forgiveness for that horrendous event in 1945. Among the delegation was Tacoma Dominican Teresa Montes Lara. A documentary entitled “Free World: Because when we forget, we repeat” chronicled this pilgrimage to Japan. Following the two presentations and dedication of the peace pole, Evie Fagergren of Olympia, Washington, led the group in a universal dance of peace. The day concluded with an array of international teas, breads and cookies. The DVD “Free World” is available for purchase. Contact Mary Pat Murphy, OP at marypmurphy@tacomaop.org. Cost is $10 plus shipping.