Blauvelt Dominicans
Reaching Across the Globe
4, 2009, BLAUVELT, NY -- You never know when a chance
encounter can create new opportunities for collaboration.
Sisters Mary Ann Collins (Blauvelt), Terry Rickard (Blauvelt)
and Peggy McVetty (Amityville) recently returned from a week
in South Africa, where they provided training in Spiritual Direction
to the Montebello Dominican sisters in Durban, South Africa. Sister
Pat Ginty (Blauvelt) arrived in Montebello, South Africa just before
the other three departed. She spent six weeks assisting the
Montebello Dominican Sisters with social work and nursing in their
orphanage, St. John Vianney Home, and Chronic Sick Home for people
with disabilities.
This particular trip has been one of several collaborative endeavors
between the Blauvelt and Montebello Dominicans. At a Dominican
Sisters International meeting in Caluerega, Sr. Mary Ann Collins,
then President of the Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt, happened
to be sitting at a table with Sr. Michael Mduli, the then Mother
Superior of the Dominican Sisters of Montebello. Sr. Michael
had spoken of the needs of the sisters in Montebello, especially
of education in the areas of social work and medical fields. Sr.
Mary Ann asked what she and the Blauvelt Dominicans could do to
help. Sr. Michael originally thought it was a typical generous
American offer, but would not result in any follow-through. It
was only through Sr. Mary Ann’s persistence that Sr. Michael
believed this could be a feasible partnership. Even after
many of the details were worked out, Sr. Michael worried about
sending sisters from Montebello half-way around the world to New
York. In 2002, Sr. Valentine Dladla and Sr. Venentia Mthembu
arrived at Blauvelt to begin studying at Dominican College.
Sr. Valentine completed her Bachelor’s degree in 2006 from
Dominican College (Orangeburg, NY). She then went on to receive
a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Fordham University,
with much assistance from the Blauvelt Congregation and Dominican
College. She is now the Interim Director of St. John Vianney
Home Orphanage in Montebello, South Africa. In June of 2007,
Sr. Mary Ann Collins and Sr. Mary Malone, President of the Blauvelt
Dominicans, traveled to Montebello, South Africa to witness Sr.
Valentine’s Final Profession of Vows.
It was during
this visit that Sr. Mary Ann and Sr. Mary had more conversations
with Sr. Edista Lembede, the current Mother Superior of the Dominican
Sisters of Montebello, about ways in which Blauvelt could continue
to partner with Montebello. Sr. Edista explained that they
would soon be opening a retreat house (Ukuphila “New Life” Retreat
Centre), which would be available to both the sisters and others
in the area. At that time, there were very few women doing
spiritual direction, and almost no spiritual directors who spoke
Zulu, the common language of the people in the area. Although
the Blauvelt Dominicans don’t speak Zulu, they knew they
could assist in training spiritual directors.
From January 17-22, 2009, Sr. Mary Ann, Sr. Terry and Sr. Peggy
offered workshops to thirteen of the Dominican Sisters of Montebello
in a training program titled, “Holy Listening (Ukulalela
Okuyingcwele): Spiritual Direction Formation Programme.” The
women prayed, studied and ate in common. They practiced spiritual
direction with each other in workshops and had homework each night
to prepare for the next day’s session. Some of the
challenges of the presenters were to undo the stereotype that spiritual
direction is only for people who are in crisis. Also, the
culture of religious life in South Africa is very different, so
opportunities for discernment don’t arise in the same way
they do for most Dominicans in the United States.
Although English is spoken by the sisters in South Africa, it is
usually the second or third language, which provided another challenge
to all involved. In spite of these challenges, comments of
the sisters who participated in the program included, “You
gave us a great gift of finding ways of coming close to God and
also of bringing others close to Him,” and “You gave
us a ‘rare pearl,’ the skills to help us develop our
spirituality and bring the fruits of that to others in spiritual
All thirteen participants reflected on how they could use spiritual
direction in their ministries, which include their own Congregation,
the Upper Form in an Academy (High School), parishes, and as HIV/AIDS
hospice chaplains. Srs. Mary Ann, Terry and Peggy have committed
to provide on-going support for the next year and hope to return
to South Africa to co-facilitate a directed retreat with the Montebello
Dominicans. Srs. Mary Ann and Terry remarked that they were, “blessed
by the openness and eagerness,” of the Montebello sisters,
as well as “how hungry they were to learn.”
The Dominican Sisters of Montebello are hungry for
knowledge in many other areas as well. Theological updating,
bereavement ministry, the new cosmology, health care, and ecological
spirituality are just a few of the immediate needs. They would
welcome others willing to assist their growth in these fields.
Although the Spiritual Direction program was intense, the visit
was not without time for fun. The Montebello Dominicans took
the American Sisters to visit the Montebello Motherhouse. They
also held a party the night President Obama was inaugurated, complete
with American flags, potato chips, ice cream, and lots of chanting
of “O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma!”
Following these
experiences, Sr. Terry traveled to the Diocese of Port Elizabeth
to continue her work with RENEW Africa.
Responding to Sr. Mary Malone’s call to deepen our relationship
with the Dominican Sisters of Montebello, Sr. Pat Ginty (Blauvelt)
contacted Sr. Edista and Sr. Valentine and learned of the critical
needs at the Vianney Home and the Chronic Sick Home. With
assistance from the Blauvelt Congregation Cullen Grant Fund and
supportive arrangements at her current ministry, Sr. Pat was able
to travel to S. Africa for six weeks to share Dominican life and
Sr. Pat, a registered nurse and social worker, is no stranger
to other cultures. After working many years in Blauvelt’s
mission in Jamaica, West Indies, she served 3 years in Tanzania,
East Africa with Maryknoll.
The prevailing role of HIV/AIDS pandemic continues to rise in
South Africa and families are either infected or affected by the
disease which has left many children orphaned or vulnerable due
to the death of parent(s) or family members.
At Vianney Home there are 45 children, ages 2 to 16 years, who
are lovingly cared for and nurtured by the Sisters and lay care
workers. Sr. Pat assisted Sr. Valentine in staff development
and training in early intervention and the psycho/social needs
of the children. She also participated in group discussion
and recreation with the children. “They are beautiful
and so happy with so little material things. There is a chapel
in Vianney Home and every day begins and ends with prayer and singing
which is so much a part of African culture.”
While the children were at school, Sr. Pat went to the Chronic
Sick Home which provides residential care for the most needy and
destitute in the Montebello area. Pat assisted Sr. Petra
in the children’s ward, bathing, dressing, cutting fingernails,
massaging and feeding the children. Most of the children
were born with cerebral palsy and retardation. They vary
in age from 5 years to their teens and beyond and are in metal
cribs. Some are severely physically deformed and all are
unable to care for themselves. It was a joy to get them up
and out in a wheelchair and see even a smile or brief eye contact.
Reflecting upon the experience, Sr. Pat felt truly blessed and
inspired by the preaching of the sisters in their life and ministry
and deeply touched by their spirituality and simplicity. Their
harmony in singing at prayer is heavenly! The Montebello
community is vibrant and committed to witnessing to the gospel. How
enriched our Blauvelt congregation is to be connected to Montebello. We
are one in our Dominican life which transcends geography and enables
us to serve those in need.
Submitted by the Sisters of St. Dominic, Blauvelt, NY
Jennifer Schaaf
Communications Director