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Earth Based Youth Retreats

Vision Quest RetreatBased on the ancient spiritual practice of going onto the land with intention, the Vision Quest or Vision Fast as it is sometimes called, is a modern day rite of passage to be engaged in at moments of transition  or moments when  a deepening of our life intention  is desired.  The Vision quest for young adults ages 19--22 is specifically geared toward the transition or passage into full adulthood. 

How Will Participants be Engaged?

Our experience will be a modification of the full ten day Quest conducted in wilderness areas.  Instead we will spend five days on the land at the Blauvelt Dominican Empowerment Center in beautiful Goshen, New York. 

When the participants first arrive they will be engaged alternatively in personal time on the land and group discussion.  All of this is geared toward preparing them for a period of time (24 or 48 hours) when they will be alone on the Earth while fasting.  Participants are instructed with regard to safety issues and all “solo sites” are selected by the participant in collaboration with guides.  A safety system is arranged to insure the well being of each participant.  If at any time a participant wishes to speak to the guides he or she is free to do that.  At a pre-arranged time all participants return to base camp and an opportunity is provided for each person to share their experience on the land with the group.  During this time the guides work with each person to help them embrace the full meaning of their solo time on the land and prepare them to return to their everyday lives.

Who Will Conduct This Experience?

Dominican Sister Margaret Galiardi will be the lead guide.  She herself has quested several times in the wilderness, served as base camp assistant and also trained formally with Wilderness Rites Inc.  Margaret frequently spends time alone on the land informally and in structured programs geared to deepen one’s connection with Earth and Holy Mystery. 

Margaret has led a year long training session for a half dozen Dominican Sisters, all of whom have themselves engaged in the Quest experience.  Gina Fleming, Peggy McVetty, Diane Capuano, Marge McGregor, Didi Madden and Ellen Rita Purcaro will assist in various roles during the quest experience. 


August 13-17, 2007
Goshen, NY
For Young Adults
19-22 years


Download a Word document flyer for more information



For additional information or if you wish to obtain Margaret’s book recounting her quest experience, Encountering Mystery in the Widlerness:  One Woman’s Vsion Quest ($10 plus postage) contact Margaret at

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